вузы России, проходные баллы, стоимость
Выберите город, в который хотите поступать АбаканАльметьевскАнапаАрхангельскАстраханьБакуБалашихаБарнаулБелгородБелорецкБиробиджанБлаговещенскБрянскБуденновскВеликий НовгородВладивостокВладикавказВладимирВолгоградВологдаВоронежВыборгВышний ВолочекГеленджикГрозныйДмитровДушанбеЕкатеринбургЕлабугаЕлецЕреванЕссентукиЖелезногорскЗлатоустИвановоИжевскИркутскКазаньКалининградКалугаКаменск-УральскКемеровоКировКирово-ЧепецкКисловодскКонаковоКраснодарКрасноярскКурганКурскЛипецкМагаданМагнитогорскМайкопМахачкалаМинскМичуринскМоскваМурманскНабережные ЧелныНижневартовскНижнекамскНижний НовгородНижний ТагилНовомосковскНовороссийскНовосибирскНорильскНур-Султан (Астана)ОбнинскОмскОрелОренбургОрскПензаПермьПетрозаводскПетропавловск-КамчатскийПодольскПсковПятигорскРжевРостов-на-ДонуРязаньСалехардСамараСанкт-ПетербургСаранскСаратовСаяногорскСевастопольСерпуховСмоленскСосновый БорСочиСтавропольСтарый ОсколСтерлитамакСургутСыктывкарТаганрогТамбовТашкентТверьТольяттиТомскТулаТюменьУлан-УдэУльяновскУфаУхтаХабаровскХанты-МансийскХимкиЧебоксарыЧелябинскЧереповецЧеркесскЧитаЭлектростальЮжно-СахалинскЯкутскЯрославль
Пожалуйста, выберите, кем вы являетесь Я абитуриент Я сотрудник ВУЗа Я родитель абитуриента Студент колледжа Школьник до 11-го класса Специалист Бакалавр Магистр Я учитель в школе
Регистрируясь через данную форму, я соглашаюсь с политикой конфеденциальности и согласен на обработку персональных данных.
Хочу, что вы отправляли мне индивидуальные подборки и лучшие предложения от вузов по нужным мне критериям.
ᐅ Где получить профессию геодезиста

- Профессии
- Технические
- Геодезист
- Механик
- Электрик
- Автомеханик
- Тракторист
- Экскаваторщик
- Технолог
- Военные
- Спасатель
- Юридические
- Адвокат
- Прокурор
- Полицейский
- Делопроизводитель
- Дипломат
- Телохранитель
- Охранник
- Юрист
- Политик
- Таможенник
- Криминалист
- Судья
- Нотариус
- Следователь
- Судебный пристав
- Творческие
- Флорист
- Экскурсовод
- Менеджер по туризму
- Дизайнер
- Дизайнер интерьера
- Графический дизайнер
- Ландшафтный дизайнер
- Веб-дизайнер
- Стилист
- Парикмахер
- Визажист
- Копирайтер
- Ювелир
- Танцор
- Актер
- Фотограф
- Астролог
- Модель
- Художник
- Режиссер
- Бизнес-тренер
- Блогер
- Балерина
- Сценарист
- Ведущий
- Медицинские
- Врач
- Хирург
- Судмедэксперт
- Медсестра
- Диетолог
- Психиатр
- Терапевт
- Фармацевт
- Ветеринар
- Зубной техник
- Стоматолог
- Ассистент стоматолога
- Косметолог
- Массажист
- Логопед
- Офтальмолог
- Рабочие
- Токарь
- Сварщик
- Газовый оператор
- Крановщик
- Дезинфектор
- Плотник
- Кузнец
- Промышленный альпинист
- Экономические
- Кассир
- Банкир
- Риэлтор
- Главный бухгалтер
- Бухгалтер
- Продавец
- Экономист
- Финансист
- Маркетолог
- Менеджер
- PR-менеджер
- Страховой агент
- Трейдер
- Оценщик
- Аудитор
- Логист
- Налоговый инспектор
- Товаровед
- Железнодорожные
- Машинист
- Машинист поезда
- Машинист метро
- Помощник машиниста
- Кулинарные
- Кондитер
- Повар
- Официант
- Шеф-повар
- Сомелье
- Бармен
- Бариста
- Издательство и полиграфия
- Печатник
- Корректор
- Редактор
- Переплетчик
- Верстальщик
- Авиационные
- Космонавт
- Пилот
- Лётчик
- Авиадиспетчер
- Стюардесса
- Транспортные
- Таксист
- Дальнобойщик
- Автоинструктор
- После 9 класса
- После 11 класса
- Научные
- Технические
География океана | Бюджет,б Платно,б Стоимость | Мат Рус Гео | 189 | 144 000 ₽ | |
Ландшафтное планирование | Бюджет,б Платно,б Стоимость | Мат Рус Гео | 189 | 144 000 ₽ | |
Общая география | Бюджет,б Платно,б Стоимость | Мат Рус Гео | 189 | 144 000 ₽ | |
Региональная политика и территориальное управление | Бюджет,б Платно,б Стоимость | Мат Рус Гео | 189 | 144 000 ₽ | |
Промышленное и гражданское строительство | Бюджет,б Платно,б Стоимость | Мат Рус Физ | 185 | 149 | 144 000 ₽ |
Кадастр недвижимости | Бюджет,б Платно,б Стоимость | Мат Рус Физ | 145 | 176 000 ₽ | |
Пространственное планирование и управление развитием приморских территорий и морских акваторий | Бюджет,б Платно,б Стоимость | Мат Рус Гео | Набора не было | Набора не было |
где учиться, зарплата, плюсы и минусы
От греческого ge – Земля + daio – разделяю. Профессия подходит тем, кого интересует черчение и география (см. выбор профессии по интересу к школьным предметам).
Геодезист – специалист по составлению карт местности, проведению расчётов, необходимых для описания рельефа местности.
Читайте также:
Особенности профессии
Геодезия связана с астрономией, геофизикой, космонавтикой, картографией и др., широко используется при проектировании и строительстве сооружений, судоходных каналов, дорог.
Основная задача геодезии – создание системы координат и построение опорных геодезических сетей, позволяющих определить положение точек на земной поверхности.
Геодезия делится на высшую геодезию, топографию и прикладные отрасли геодезии. Геодезические работы обычно выполняются государственными службами. Международные геодезические исследования организуются и направляются Международной ассоциацией геодезии, действующей по инициативе и в рамках Международного геодезического и геофизического союза.
С помощью геодезии проекты зданий и сооружений переносятся с бумаги в натуру с миллиметровой точностью, рассчитываются объемы материалов, ведется контроль за соблюдением геометрических параметров конструкций. Положение точки на земной поверхности определяется с помощью трех координат: широты, долготы и высоты (например, средним уровнем моря).
Геодезические данные используются в картографии, навигации и т.д. Геодезические измерения используются в сейсмологии и при изучении тектоники плит, а гравиметрическая съемка традиционно применяется геологами при поисках нефти и других полезных ископаемых.
Три уровня геодезических работ:
Первый уровень – плановая съемка на местности, т.е. определение положения точек на земной поверхности относительно местных опорных пунктов для составления топографических карт, необходимых при строительстве и составлении земельного кадастра.
Второй уровень – провед
- Онлайн-калькуляторы
- Забор и ворота
- Огород
- Крыша и кровля
- Планировка квартир
- Фундамент
- План эвакуации
- Стройматериалы
- Баня и бассейн
- Лестница и перила
- Дизайн интерьера
- Дача и сад
- Беседки и навесы
- Деревянные дома
- Отделка и ремонт
- Главная
- Предварительные работы
Как стать геодезистом? | ГЕОДЕЗИСТ.RU
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- 31 мар 2014
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Я м.ч. 24 лет. Из Питера. Есть вышка по специальности Автомобильные дороги и Аэродромы. Опыт работы 3 года в проектном институте(проектирование дорог). В совершенстве знаю программы AutoCAD и Robur. Хочу стать геодезистом. С чего мне начинать? Теорию я знаю, в университете был предмет геодезия и даже была практика которую я не прогуливал(конечно это было давно и многое забылось но основные принципы работы мне ясны). Был на нескольких собеседованиях — везде нужен опыт работы и знание электронного тахиометра — но это замкнутый круг ведь опыта у меня нет, а наработать его негде(т.к. везде нужен опыт=) )…Может быть опытные геодезисты подскажут куда двигаться в данном случае??
#1 -
- Регистрация:
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Устроиться помощником геодезиста, а учитывая вашу специальность — либо на дороги, либо в аэропорт.
У меня тоже опыта не было, лишь практика 1 месяц на стройке во время учебы.
Грамотно сформулированное определение профессии «геодезист» Вы можете найти погуглив. Я же опишу загадочного геодезиста простыми словами, используя воспоминания из личного опыта. Приходилось мне однажды быть этим таинственным парнем. Без шуток.
Человек на фотографии занимается съемкой территории, на которой проводятся изыскательские работы. Судя по всему, эту территорию готовят к строительству. Мужчина использует для работы электронный тахеометр — прибор для измерения расстояний и углов между объектами съемки. Казалось бы, смотрит в окуляр, крутит приборчик, не пойми чем занимается. А на самом деле, от его работы зависит то, насколько ровно, точно и качественно будет, например, заложен фундамент будущего здания. Геодезист знает, как пользоваться чудо-прибором, и с его помощью быстро и оперативно определяет расстояния от земли до чего-нибудь, от палки до балки, от дерева до холма. Еще он замеряет «углы» между объектами, чтобы пространственно понять, где находится объект, и суметь нанести его на план местности/топографическую карту территории. Ведь помимо дистанции между предметами мы должны еще знать их «отношение» друг к другу, чтобы суметь спроецировать их положение на карту и таким образом передать информацию о наблюдении третьим лицам, не исказив при этом реальной картинки. Спектр геодезической съемки очень широк: по ее результатам можно определить, насколько земля ровная в чистом поле; нарисовать точную карту с лесом и болотом; проверить на устойчивость и ровность уже построенные конструкции. Все зависит от того, с какой целью делается съемка и в каких условиях.
Я занималась на полевой практике топографо-геодезической съемкой территории площадью около 40000 кв. м, в учебных целях. Мы пользовались не тахеометрами, а старыми буссолями, теодолитами, нивелирами, рейками и прочими инструментами с такими вот пугающими незнающих ребят названиями. Работать в поле было сложно: прибор несешь на себе, каждый раз собираешь конструкцию, делаешь замеры, разбираешь, идешь дальше. Палящее солнце, дождь, снежок, грязь, насекомые, ноющие ноги — все это добавляет романтики. Зато было большим кайфом после камеральных работ (систематизация данных, составление отчета и построение плана местности) лицезреть результат своей работы (вот он, если откроется).
Гордость за себя и свою бригаду — лучшая награда геодезисту. Ну и высокая з/п мужчинам, которые удачно устроились на работу по этой специальности.
90000 what does a quantity surveyor do? 90001 90002 Quantity surveyors work within the land management, property and construction industries. They are the people responsible for calculating and managing the costs relating to projects, from helping create initial estimates to finalising the complete budget requirements. 90003 90002 Quantity Surveyors are always involved at the start of a project, being brought in to look at the feasibility of planned construction or repair efforts, they then remain as overseers during the capital expenditure phases of development.This means they are involved, often on the site, through to the completion of construction, keeping a constant eye on the forecasted and actual costs, as well as being required to react quickly to problems and changes in specifications with updated costings and feasibility reviews. 90003 90002 90003 90002 A day in the life of a quantity surveyor is varied — on one day you may find yourself in the office, and the next you may be out on a construction site meeting with clients or consulting with construction personnel.No two projects are ever the same and there is a great deal of variety, which can be quite interesting for someone who does not like routine. 90003 90002 You’ll be preparing tender and contract documents, carrying our cost analysis, monitoring cost variations and writing reports, finding out the client requirements and undertaking feasibility studies, allocating work to sub-contractors and making payments. Site visits are also a big part of the job, where you’ll need to make assessments on financial projections for future work.90003 90002 90003 90002 Many quantity surveyors are university educated, and there are specific degrees in the subject which are accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). You can also choose to do a degree in a different subject and then undertake a RICS accredited postgraduate conversion course. Even though your degree can be in any subject, it’s those that are linked to the construction industry that are preferable e.g. civil engineering, mathematics and geography.90003 90002 But you do not need to have a degree to get into the industry — you can start as a technical surveyor without one. However, to progress to the role of quantity surveyor a degree is needed, and it may be possible to study part-time while you work, or may even be supported / funded by your employer. Regardless of which route you take, you’ll need to undertake further study and exams if you want to gain chartered status. 90003 90002 90019 90020 90003 90002 90003 90002 Can not wait any longer to start your new role? Click here to find a quantity surveyor job near you! 90003 90002 90027 If you have an analytical mind with strong numerical and financial skills, then the role of quantity surveyor could be ideal for you.But you’ll also need to have good managerial and leadership skills because the role involves dealing with suppliers and sub-contractors regularly if you want them to complete their tasks. This can sometimes be a difficult position to undertake when there are multiple parties involved, so great communication and negotiation skills are a must too. 90003 90002 In addition, the ability to produce well-written reports and relate complex information to clients is important, as is a strong IT background, particularly when it comes to software such as Excel.A passion for the construction industry and detailed knowledge of the trade are also bonuses to have. A wider understanding of the industry, the issues it faces and how to overcome problems will make potential employers sit up and take notice. 90003 90002 90032 90020 90003 90002 90003 90002 There are a number of career routes open to become a Quantity Surveyor, though the most common is to take a degree or professional qualification that is accredited by RICS, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, membership of which allows surveyors to describe themselves as Chartered (usually after two years work experience post-degree).Membership can be gained by studying an accredited degree, through professional experience, or through membership of other relevant professional bodies. Those already working in construction or engineering can qualify by taking a part-time distance learning degree if they so wish, allowing them to continue working (and earning!) Whilst qualifying. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90027 Quantity surveyor salaries vary on location, experience and qualifications. The average a Quantity Surveyor earns is £ 38,000 per annum.However, this number differs depending on experience. New starters usually get anything between £ 18,000 and £ 25,000. Experienced quantity surveyors will get anything from £ 25,000 and £ 50,000, and highly experienced workers can receive anywhere up to £ 80,000. 90003 90044 what are the career prospects for a quantity surveyor? 90045 90002 90027 You can start as a trainee quantity surveyor and work towards chartered status. Once you’re chartered you can continue working across a broad range of subjects, or you can specialise in different areas of interest such as project management, tax advice, property taxation or supply chain procurement.90003 90002 There’s also the option of working towards further qualifications with different institutes, such as the Association of Cost Engineers, or the Chartered Institute of Building. Finally, you could even build your own consultancy or consider a move abroad. 90003 .90000 Breaking Into Quantity Surveying — The Steps You Need To Take 90001 90002 Of all the surveying fields, the quantity surveying specialism is perhaps one of the best known. Professionals in the field are respected as key players in construction and civil engineering projects of every shape and size. 90003 90002 Yet, in a 2018 RICS Construction and Infrastructure Market Survey, 66% of respondents in the UK reported shortages of quantity surveyors — a scarcity that’s echoed worldwide. The QS role is also listed on the Australian Visa Bureau’s Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List, on Singapore’s strategic Skills-in-Demand List and as one of the top 100 in-demand occupations in South Africa (National Scarce Skills).90003 90002 90003 90002 This international demand makes the quantity surveying career path a fantastic one for anyone looking for a 90009 90010 rewarding, fast-moving career 90009 90010 in the built-environment industry. 90003 90002 Below, we’ve outlined the key steps to take if you’re looking to become a quantity surveyor. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90009 1) Gain a RICS accredited quantity surveying qualification 90010 90003 90002 No doubt one of your first questions will be ‘what qualifications do I need to become a chartered quantity surveyor?’ 90003 90002 To become a chartered surveyor and reach your full earning potential, you’ll need to become a 90009 member of the 90010 90009 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS 90010) — the global professional body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of surveying standards.90003 90002 If you’re new to the sector, you must first complete an RICS accredited qualification, 90009 90010 before gaining the professional experience needed to complete your professional assessment and add the letters MRICS after your name. 90003 90002 During an RICS approved qualification, you’ll be introduced to the knowledge and professional competencies deemed necessary by the Institution to become one of their members and to prove to employers that you have the 90009 90010 skills they need to succeed with their next project .90003 90002 90003 90002 90009 2) Choose the right RICS accredited course for you 90010 90003 90002 The type of quantity surveying course you choose will depend on a number of factors — from your educational background to the time you have available. It’s important to do your research and pick the education pathway that’s right for you and your aspirations. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90009 Quantity Surveying postgraduate conversion course 90010 90003 90002 If you hold a first degree in an unrelated subject, you could take a postgraduate quantity surveying conversion course, such as our 90009 RICS accredited Masters degree in Quantity Surveying.90010 90055 90003 90002 90055 Achieving a Masters in Surveying is a common entry route for those joining the profession a little later in life, and one that is highly valued by industry and the profession. 90003 90002 90061 90062 90003 90002 A full time postgraduate course in surveying will usually take one year, while those choosing a part time or distance learning option are looking at a minimum of two years of study. Part time or distance learning quantity surveying courses are sensible if you’re looking to earn as you learn; these more flexible, less intensive courses are designed to help you balance your degree alongside working full time, even if your current job is in another sector entirely.90003 90002 Most people fund their Masters through postgraduate loans, with the UK government offering up to £ 10,000 for PG study. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90009 Degree Apprenticeship 90010 90003 90002 If you have not got a degree, you could join an RICS approved Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship. This pathway will see you working as a trainee quantity surveyor while you study a surveying degree on a part time basis, gaining both theoretical and practical knowledge as you go. 90003 90002 A degree apprenticeship usually takes five years to complete.You will need to find an employer that will support you through the programme. However, the qualification should result in gaining MRICS status upon completion. You can also earn a salary as you train (usually between £ 16,000 and £ 18,000 a year) and will avoid incurring student debt. 90003 90002 90003 90080 90002 90009 Undergraduate degree in Quantity Surveying 90010 90003 90002 If you do not have a degree but the idea of going to university appeals, you could enrol on an undergraduate BSc in Quantity Surveying.90003 90002 An undergraduate degree will traditionally take three years when studied full time on campus. Depending on the university you choose, there may be a chance to take a placement year or learn part time which will extend your learning journey. 90003 90002 Going to university will require fees. However, a number of undergraduate loans do exist to help students fund their education. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90009 3) Complete your APC and become chartered 90010 90003 90002 The final step towards becoming a chartered surveyor with MRICS status is taking the 90009 Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).90010 90003 90002 For those taking a Chartered Surveying Degree Apprenticeship, sitting the APC is all part of the programme — you should achieve MRICS status when you complete your course. 90003 90002 However, for those with less than five years of practical experience, such as those entering the profession after university, becoming chartered means completing the APC by gaining a minimum of 24 months of postgraduate experience with an appropriate employer. 90003 90002 Securing employment as a graduate quantity surveyor can be straightforward; many firms offer opportunities for people with an RICS accredited degree — an assurance that they have the academic knowledge, competencies and commitment needed to work proficiently in the sector.90003 90002 Once in a suitable role, having an RICS approved qualification means you’ll be free to start your APC straight away, completing the final stages of your training and your journey towards a new life as a chartered quantity surveyor. 90003 90002 90003 90002 90009 Becoming a chartered quantity surveyor with Northumbria University 90010 90003 90115 90116 90002 Find out more about our other RICS accredited Quantity Surveying courses we offer below: 90003.90000 What your property surveyor will do 90001 90002 If you’ve had an offer accepted on a property, then the next stage in the buying process is to establish whether you need a survey — and if so, which one. 90003 90002 Deciding on a survey will depend on a number of factors, including the value and state of the property as well as how thorough you want to be in uncovering every flaw before you buy. 90003 90002 Here we walk you through the types of surveys available and how much each one is likely to cost.90003 90008 What is a survey? 90009 90002 A survey is an inspection of a property. It more general terms, it is a professional health check of the bricks and mortar. The level of detail depends on which survey you opt for. It is not an obligatory part of buying a property. 90003 90002 A survey is carried out by a surveyor, the majority of whom are members of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (90013 RICS 90014). 90003 90002 90013 Valuations versus surveys 90014 90003 90002 A valuation should not be used as a survey.If you’re trying to 90013 buy a property 90014 with a mortgage, your lender will conduct a basic valuation to assess whether the property is worth the money you are paying. 90003 90002 You will get a copy of the mortgage valuation, but it will not highlight problems you may ordinarily find in a survey. It is important, therefore, that you employ a surveyor yourself to undertake a thorough inspection of the property you wish to buy. 90003 90008 90013 The types of surveys available 90014 90009 90002 RICS offers three types of survey: 90003 90002 90013 1.90014 90013 RICS Condition Report 90014 90003 90002 This survey is the cheapest and most basic RICS survey. It is used for a conventional house, flat or bungalow in a generally good state of repair. 90003 90002 It uses a traffic light system to rate the condition of different parts of the building, services, garage and outbuildings, showing problems that may require varying degrees of attention. 90003 90002 It provides a summary of the risks to the condition of the building and advice. 90003 90002 90013 2.RICS 90014 90013 HomeBuyer Report 90014 90003 90002 This survey is the middle-of-the-road option and costs more. It is suitable for most modern homes as well as older properties that are in a reasonable condition. 90003 90002 90013 RICS HomeBuyer Report (Survey) 90014 90003 90002 The main objectives of the HomeBuyer Report (Survey) are to: 90003 90058 90059 Make a reasoned and informed judgment on whether or not to proceed with the purchase 90060 90059 Assess whether or not the property is a reasonable purchase at the agreed price 90060 90059 Make clear what decisions and actions should be taken before contracts are exchanged 90060 90065 90002 Your property surveyor will make a number of assessments, including: 90003 90058 90059 The general condition of the property 90060 90059 Any major faults in accessible parts of the building that may affect the value 90060 90059 Any urgent problems that need inspecting by a specialist before you sign a contract 90060 90059 Results of tests for damp in the walls 90060 90059 Damage to timbers — including woodworm or rot 90060 90059 The condition of any damp-proofing, insulation and drainage (though drains are not tested) 90060 90065 90002 90013 RICS HomeBuyer Report (Survey and Valuation) 90014 90003 90002 This Report includes the HomeBuyer Report (Survey) above as well as: 90003 90058 90059 The estimated cost of rebuilding the property after a fire, for building insurance purposes 90060 90059 The value of the property on the open market 90060 90065 90002 90013 3.90014 90013 RICS Building Survey 90014 90003 90002 This is RICS’s most comprehensive report and is normally used for larger or older properties, or if you are planning major works. 90003 90002 It provides an in-depth analysis of the property’s condition and includes advice on defects, repairs and maintenance options. 90003 90002 It is recommended for: 90003 90058 90059 Listed buildings 90060 90059 Properties more than 30 years old 90060 90059 Buildings constructed in an unusual way, however old they are 90060 90059 Properties you plan to renovate or alter in any way 90060 90059 Properties that have had extensive alterations 90060 90065 90002 Your surveyor will produce a final report which will reveal the detail of the construction of the property, the materials used and a list of all minor and major structural problems that may exist.90003 90002 Such tests will identify: 90003 90058 90059 Major and minor defects and what they could mean 90060 90059 The possible cost of repairs 90060 90059 Results of damp testing on walls 90060 90059 Damage to timbers — including woodworm and rot 90060 90059 The condition of damp-proofing, insulation and drainage (though drains are not tested) 90060 90059 Technical information on the construction of the property and the materials used 90060 90059 The location 90060 90059 Recommendations for any further special inspection 90060 90065 90002 90013 4.Home Condition Survey 90014 90003 90002 This survey is provided by the Residential Property Surveyors Association (RPSA), not RICS, and is suitable for all types of property. 90003 90002 It comprises an inspection and comprehensive report, including: 90003 90058 90059 Colour-coded condition ratings 90060 90059 Photographs and diagrams 90060 90059 A debrief from the surveyor who will answer any questions you may have 90060 90065 90002 90013 5. Home Report (in Scotland only) 90014 90003 90002 In Scotland, a seller is legally required to produce a Home Report pack within nine days of promoting their property.Buyers have access to it free-of-charge. 90003 90002 It offers: 90003 90058 90059 Survey and property valuation 90060 90059 Energy Report, including an Energy Performance Certificate 90060 90059 Property questionnaire covering issues such as council tax and electricity provide 90060 90065 90002 You might still want to consider getting your own survey done though, particularly if you have any concerns about the property. 90003 90008 How much will a survey cost? 90009 90002 Prices vary according to the value of the property, but.. 90003 90058 90059 90013 Condition Report 90014 should start at around £ 250. 90060 90059 90013 HomeBuyer Report 90014 costs start between £ 350 and £ 400 with another £ 100 or so for the valuation 90060 90059 90013 Building Survey 90014 is upwards of £ 500, but will depend on the specific age and features of the property, so shop around for quotes. 90060 90059 90013 Home Condition Survey 90014 typically costs from £ 400. 90060 90065 90002 If you’ve noticed a specific problem within the property and want to have it assessed, you can also commission a Defect Report.90003 90002 The structural surveyor will concentrate solely on the problem identified and will provide you with the information to assess any necessary risks associated with it. 90003 90002 90003 90008 90013 You might also be interested in … 90014 90009 .90000 What’s a Land Surveyor and do I need one? 90001 90002 90003 The world is ever expanding and revolutionising, and this applies in England more so to property than any other domain. Renovations, refurbishments and extensions are just a few of the changes which people are planning to make to their homes and properties, and there is a great deal of background work which needs to be done before any of these ideas can materialise. Every inch of land in the United Kingdom has been documented and allocated and there are many regulations and laws which surround our topography.90004 90003 If we wish to make any major, and sometimes even minor, alterations to the land and property which we own then these need to be taken into consideration when planning. Land surveyors are the people who plot, measure and record the details of the land, using previous maps as well as creating their own, so as to advise planning and construction. They also help to uncover any queries into measurements and details of the land, as well as disputes over allocations. 90004 90007 When would I need a Land Surveyor? 90008 90003 Most simply a land surveyor is needed whenever a land survey is required.A land survey can range from an intensely detailed map of an area, including measurements and positioning of all property, to simply a skeletal plan with only the key features. 90004 90003 There are a number of situations when this might be necessary, firstly when you wish to buy a property or an area of land. Only a licensed land survey, produced by a qualified land surveyor, is able to describe exactly what the area that you are going to purchase includes or entails. It indicates the boundaries of the other properties in relation to your own, as well as determining where trees, outbuildings, fences etc lie.90004 90003 The survey will also describe whether other people are allowed access to your property or land thus determining your legal permits and rights. Deeds to the house can often be outdated, previous owners might have made changes to the property and its land, and accordingly a land survey will also act as an up-to-date deed and can be used by a solicitor to produce an accurate, contemporary deed. 90004 90003 Land surveys are also required when alterations are planned to be made on a certain area; this includes land as well as property.If an extension is intended to be built then a land survey is needed to mark out the boundaries which the land occupies in order to establish the proprietor’s ownership rights and make sure that you are only building on your own land. This will prevent any future disputes or problems. The land survey is an accurate model of the site that can be used by the possessor to design, create and position projects accurately. The surveyor will mark on the map exactly what the location of the building is proposed to be in order to guarantee that this is on your property.90004 90003 One of the most important situations a land survey is required for is boundary disputes. Land surveyors can produce information which stops situations like these reaching the courts, thus saving a great deal of time and money. In these situations the surveyor acts as a professional witness who assumes qualified responsibility of the details even if the situation is ever taken to court. 90004 90003 Banks and trusts will often request that a survey is done before they authorise you with a mortgage to guarantee that all records are up to date and there is no likelihood of sudden demise or change to the building.If you re-mortgage or refinance your house then the bank may require a survey as the details surrounding the area and the house will often have changed somewhat since you purchased the property / land. 90004 90007 Are all the land surveyors the same? 90008 90003 In a word, no. Most surveyors will specialise in a certain area so you must make sure that you approach the appropriate one that will be able to deal with your specific request. 90004 90025 90026 90027 Geodetic 90028 surveying provides information about the size and the shape of the planet, thus ascertaining the framework for which all other surveys are then based on.All surveyors need this skill. 90029 90026 90027 Cartography 90028 is the art of making maps, thus cartographic land surveyors provide information for the map user so they can process the details it provides sufficiently. 90029 90026 90027 Cadastral 90028 surveying, by law, is one of the exclusive functions that land surveyors must provide. This involves measuring property and goes towards town planning thus has a key involvement within the socio-economic development of England.90029 90026 90027 Engineering 90028 surveying entails taking measurements of and providing plans for motorways, railways, bridges and large structures. Big companies or city councils when developing large areas will usually employ these types of surveyors. 90029 90026 90027 Hydrographic and oceanographic 90028 surveyors map the underwater, marine world, often working closely with harbour engineers. This is the most specific of all types of land surveyors. 90029 90046 90007 The land surveying process 90008 90003 Land Surveyors work both in the office and outside in the «field» in order to complete a land survey.Initially they research information from both private and public records that are already available surrounding the project, for example records, titles and deeds. Maps and paperwork, if they are available, will also be collected from the County Clerk’s offices to establish boundary details and the locations of the property and other buildings. 90004 90003 The surveyor will then conduct more research but this time actually on site. Field examinations take place in order to scout out any physical factors which will affect the boundaries that already exist on maps and deeds, as well as to update any out-of-date records and to see if there have been any improvements to the property.Survey equipment, such as global positioning satellites (GPS) are used to confirm positions detailed on existing maps or surveys and if these are incorrect or have changed, then it is vital that the surveyor records this so that it can be used in the planning. Other tests like percolation testing, wetland delineation or site reconnaissance, to name but a few, might also be carried out by the surveyor if these will affect the building that is to be done. 90004 90003 All this information is then taken back into the office where it is gathered in order to create a land survey.Research from the initial and field parts of the process are collated together and examined to determine whether the property and boundary lines match. A final report is produced relating the findings and this is then sent to the appropriate government offices as well as going to the clients themselves so they can use it in the planning process. 90004 90007 What qualifications does a land surveyor need to have? 90008 90003 What area the surveyor is experienced in determines what qualifications you should be looking for.The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is the board which governs surveyors which apply themselves to the more rural aspect of surveying. The Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES) obviously controls qualifications for those who specialise in engineering aspects of surveying, and the Chartered Institute of Building’s (CIOB) Faculty for Architecture and Surveying accredits surveyors who are experienced in structural surveying. 90004 90007 Where can I find one? 90008 90003 The best place to search for an accredited Land Surveyor is on the RICS, ICES and CIOB websites.All those who are MRICS, MICES and MCIOB have the opportunity to be listed on these websites, and thus it is a sure guarantee that you are searching for an official, qualified surveyor. Local directories may also have details of local land surveyors but if you resort to this method, make sure you check that they have the necessary and correct certifications. However, these two methods do not offer any guidance into the abilities of these surveyors and the best way to get the top surveyor in your area is to ask people for prior recommendations.This way you can make sure that you will be getting an accurate and efficient surveyor, who is also accredited by a board. 90004 90007 How much will it cost? 90008 90003 This depends on the size of the search, how much you require from it and the size of the area / property. The location of the property will also manipulate the cost of the search as the type of the terrain may mean that further research and testing needs to be carried out, or this may influence what the survey is needed for, e.g. if you wish to build a conservatory which will then be converted into a kitchen and you needed to check whether correct drainage was possible. The surrounding terrain of the property as well as its shape will also influence how easy it is to conduct the field research, and the more complex and longer this is obviously the more costly the survey will be. 90004 90003 What you require from the survey will also help determine its cost. The complexity of the descriptions that are required of the survey are relative to its price, if a merely skeletal plan is required then not much detail is required of the surveyor.However if a exhaustive map is asked for, then the surveyor will have to spend longer detailing the topography of the site which will obviously take longer. 90004 90007 What do I need to tell the surveyor? 90008 90003 Before the surveyor starts on their research you need to make sure that you tell them all of your needs. You need to explain why you need the survey and what you want to use it for. For example, if it is to settle a boundary dispute then the surveyor does not need to investigate drainage systems in the area.However, using the example of water drainage for a kitchen extension again, this would be a key concern. 90004 90003 Telling the surveyor exactly what you want from the survey ensures that you get it and unnecessary time is not spent doing additional work that is not needed or vice versa. This will also ensure that the surveyor is able to give you an accurate estimate of the fees, which take into account the size of the survey and the amount of work and research that needs to be carried out. 90004 90003 You will also need to supply the surveyor with as much prior information you have about the area / property as possible.For example, deeds to the house will often be vital even if they are out-of-date. Copies of any previous surveys should also be provided, along with maps, records of titles or any specific knowledge you might have about the property. 90004 90007 What do I need to ask the surveyor? 90008 90025 90026 90081 How much will the survey cost? 90082 90029 90026 90081 How long will it take? 90082 90029 90026 90081 Will I need to provide you with any knowledge on the area or with any documents? 90082 90029 90026 90081 Do you have any suggestions as to the best ways to proceed? 90082 90029 90026 90081 Have you done any surveys in this area before? 90082 90029 90026 90081 Have you done any surveys of this type before? (This is only applicable if a specific type of survey is being carried out, for example percolation testing.) 90082 90029 90026 90081 General questions into any aspects of the survey you are unsure about, or areas which you are uncertain about what will be required. 90082 90029 90046.