Разместить резюме на trud.com
Онлайн-резюме, то есть резюме, размещенное в интернете – универсальный и обязательный инструмент поиска работы. Это, к тому же, инструмент удобный, требующий минимальных усилий. Вы один раз публикуете резюме, и в течение недель, месяцев (сколько вам требуется оставаться в поиске) получаете отклики от работодателей.
Разместить резюме на сайте – именно с этого стоит начать поиск работы.
Не все знакомы с «теорией» поиска работы: с чего начать? кому отправлять резюме? cколько писем в день нужно отправить, чтобы получить результат? Пока вы собираете информацию, читаете статьи или расспрашиваете знакомых работодателей и HR-менеджеров, резюме в интернете уже работает на ваше трудоустройство – привлекает работодателей.
Будучи однажды опубликованным, резюме не требует внимания к себе. Разве что у соискателя возникает желание внести новую информацию, написать отдельные фрагменты конкретнее, лучше.
По первой реакции на резюме можно сделать вывод, насколько качественно оно написано и насколько высок спрос на специалистов вашего профиля. Звонков и писем от работодателей мало? Возможно, вы недостаточно конкретно описали свои навыки, достижения или цель поиска. Откорректировали резюме, сделали его идеальным, а звонков по-прежнему нет? Может быть, имеет смысл подумать о смене профессии, если предложений на рынке мало.
Онлайн-резюме можно использовать как образец. Сомневаетесь, какой должна быть структура документа, в какой части описывать опыт, где указать контакты, где описать цель поиска? С онлайн-резюме такой проблемы нет: вы просто заполняете шаблон, вписываете в форму соответствующие данные. На выходе соискатель получает документ, полностью соответствующий требованиям.
Структура документа на разных сайтах может отличаться – по форме, при этом базовые моменты сходны. Например, порядок размещения блоков может варьироваться: блок «Образование» может размещаться в начале или в конце; шаблон может предусматривать или не предусматривать описание цели поиска или краткой информации «О себе»; возможны другие отличия. При этом все шаблоны, предлагаемые нашими сайтами-партнерами, можно и нужно использовать для поиска работы, они содержат ключевую информацию и соответствуют ожиданиям работодателя и HR-менеджера.
Одно из удобств резюме в интернете – возможность отправить его на понравившуюся вакансию сразу после ее просмотра. Кстати, не стоит игнорировать предложения сайтов написать сопроводительное письмо – короткий комментарий к собственному резюме, который увидит работодатель. В одном-двух предложениях постарайтесь убедить, что вы – достойный кандидат на вакансию, соответствуете требованиям и готовы рассказать о своем опыте, достижениях и сильных сторонах на собеседовании.
Разместить резюме для поиска работы – необходимый шаг для каждого соискателя. Рекомендуем следить за статистикой просмотров, чтобы делать выводы об эффективности резюме в интернете как инструмента. Мало просмотров? Возможные причины:
Уровень желаемой зарплаты не соответствует среднерыночному, он либо существенно ниже, либо выше,
В заголовке указано несколько не связанных между собой сфер деятельности (например, «Водитель, менеджер, учитель физкультуры»), и работодателю не ясно, какую именно работу предлагать,
Не полно или сбивчиво описаны навыки,
Не конкретизирована цель поиска – какие предложения наиболее актуальны, ищет ли соискатель работу по специальности или хочет сменить работу, рассматривает ли уровни исполнителя или руководителя, и т. п.,
Нет или мало упоминаний о достижениях, успехах.
Качественно составленное резюме – залог регулярного поступления предложений, соответствующих ожиданиям соискателя.
«Где разместить резюме?» — вопрос продиктован желанием соискателя найти достойную работу как можно скорее. Ответ: чем больше версий резюме у вас есть на разных сайтах, тем больше шансов попасть в поле зрения работодателя.
Разместите резюме на сайтах наших партнеров. Это проекты, которым мы доверяем. Такое размещение – возможность привлечь к себе внимание именно целевых работодателей: серьезно настроенных на сотрудничество, предлагающих обоснованные зарплаты.
Резюме, опубликованное на партнерских сайтах, попадет в базу нашего портала – значит, его будут просматривать еще чаще.
Инвестируйте время в размещение резюме на сайтах наших партнеров, чтобы как можно скорее начать новый этап карьеры.
размещая вакансии или по базе резюме?
Для эффективного закрытия ваших вакансий можно использовать два инструмента на hh.ru:
- Размещение вакансий. Дальше вы просто разбираете поступающие отклики.
- Доступ к базе резюме. Вы сами ищете подходящих кандидатов и отправляете им приглашения на собеседования.
Преимущество размещения вакансии в том, что на нее откликнутся те, кто находится в активном поиске. Они нуждаются в работе уже сейчас, отклик означает, что ваши условия их заинтересовали, а значит, рассматривая таких соискателей, закрыть вакансию проще и быстрее.
Но у самостоятельного поиска по сравнению с размещением вакансий тоже есть преимущества:
- вы смотрите не только тех, кто откликнулся сам (отклики могут быть не вполне релевантными), а подыскиваете кандидата строго по тем параметрам, которые вам важны;
- вы «ловите» лучших кандидатов, не дожидаясь, откликнутся ли они на вашу вакансию, и тем самым обгоняете тех конкурентов, которые используют только размещение вакансий без поиска по базе.
На первый взгляд, достаточно выбрать что-то одно — размещение вакансий либо доступ к базе резюме, и, если вы размещаете вакансию, то доступ к базе вроде бы и не нужен. На самом деле эти инструменты отлично дополняют друг друга.
Поиск по базе резюме полезен как сам по себе, так и в дополнение к размещению вакансий. Ниже мы перечислили цели, которых помогает достичь поиск.
Предварительная оценка рынка. Это очень важно сделать перед тем, как начинать подбор на конкретную позицию, даже если сам подбор вы планируете вести через размещение вакансий. В базе можно увидеть, сколько на кадровом рынке в настоящий момент специалистов нужного вам профиля, какие у них ключевые навыки, на какую зарплату они претендуют. Знание рынка поможет вам лучше составить вакансию — реалистично описать требования к соискателю, не выдумывая специалиста, которого нет в природе, а исходя из реалий. И сформировать предложения по зарплате и соцпакету не ниже рыночных, иначе вы рискуете остаться без откликов либо получить только отклики от специалистов ниже того уровня, чем вам нужен.
Поиск пассивных кандидатов. Нужные вам специалисты не всегда находятся в активном поиске. Те, кто в настоящее время работает, не имеет острой необходимости менять работу, а просто ждет более интересных вариантов, вряд ли будут ежедневно смотреть вакансии. Такие соискатели редко откликаются сами, но рассматривают предложения, которые им поступают. Поэтому, если дополнительно к откликам на вакансии вы ищете тех, кто вам нужен, еще и по базе резюме, вы получаете больше подходящих соискателей — и тем самым повышаете скорость и эффективность закрытия вакансии.
Поиск редких специалистов. Лучших и редких специалистов всегда мало, они, как правило, трудоустроены, к тому же за них приходится серьезно конкурировать. Поэтому хороших профессионалов на экспертные и топовые позиции, редких узкопрофильных специалистов на сложные позиции либо на позиции в очень узкоспециализированной сфере вы с большей вероятностью найдете в базе резюме, чем в откликах на вакансии.
Массовый подбор. Не стоит думать, что вакансии на линейные позиции — такие, как продавцы, кассиры, менеджеры по продажам, — всегда можно закрыть с помощью размещения вакансии. Вакансии может быть недостаточно, если вы действуете на рынке высокой конкуренции (например, массовую вакансию в маленьком городе закрыть трудно) или у вас супермассовый подбор (открывается сразу несколько точек и нужно очень много людей) и при этом вам нужно закрыть вакансии срочно. Воспользовавшись поиском, вы, скорее всего, закроете набор быстрее, чем если будете просто ждать откликов.
Закрытый подбор. Бывают ситуации, когда вести подбор открыто нежелательно — нужно, чтобы о вашей вакансии не знали другие участники рынка или требуется на время скрыть факт подбора от своих же сотрудников. В таком случае может помочь анонимная вакансия, но, если вы будете искать подходящих кандидатов еще и по базе резюме, у вас получится больше вариантов для выбора. Особенно если ваша компания хорошо известна на рынке: предложение от известного игрока с сильным брендом заинтересовывает соискателей сильнее, чем анонимное.
Между доступом и публикацией нет вопроса «что лучше?». Они в сумме дают гораздо больше, чем по отдельности.
Подсказки от Умного поиска — подходящие резюме. Создав вакансию, вы можете не ждать откликов, а через несколько минут посмотреть подходящие для нее резюме. Умный поиск сам подберет и отранжирует подходящие резюме, оценив, насколько вероятно, что кандидата пригласят на такую вакансию. Вы можете увидеть подходящие резюме в списке ваших вакансий, на странице конкретной вакансии или в списке откликов.

В подходящих резюме можно настраивать фильтры и искать теми же способами, как вы обычно ищете нужного кандидата по всей базе резюме.
Поиск в прежних откликах. Если вы и ваши коллеги много раз публиковали однотипные вакансии, можно искать по откликам на них, не создавая новую вакансию. Для этого войдите в расширенный поиск (он в правом верхнем углу экрана) или нажмите на «Изменить запрос» и включите флажок «Искать в откликах и приглашениях».

Кандидаты, которых вы найдете таким способом, — «теплые». Возможно, они до сих пор хотят работать в вашей компании.
Поиск в прежних откликах и в приглашениях. Можно искать одновременно в откликах и приглашениях (то есть среди тех, кому вы уже отправляли приглашение на собеседование). В том числе в откликах и приглашениях из старых вакансий. Для этого зайдите в «Подходящие вакансии» и включите флажок «Искать в откликах и приглашениях». В этом поиске тоже можно задавать дополнительные условия и фильтры.
Посмотреть похожих. Если вам однажды прислал отклик идеальный кандидат или вы сами нашли его резюме в базе, но по каким-то причинам не получилось его нанять, зайдите в его резюме и прокрутите вниз. Там вы увидите несколько похожих резюме и ссылку на весь список подобных. Точно так же можно сделать, если у вас есть отличный сотрудник, которого вам хотелось бы «клонировать», а у него — резюме на hh.ru. Войдите в его резюме и прокрутите вниз — вы увидите список подобных.
Используйте инструменты подбора максимально эффективно!
Создать одно резюме и откликаться им на все вакансии не лучшая стратегия. Особенно если у вас накопился внушительный и разносторонний опыт работы, который занимает несколько страниц. Лучше создавать отдельные резюме под заинтересовавшие вакансии.
Рекрутер получает десятки и сотни откликов на привлекательную вакансию. Просмотр каждого и первичный отсев занимает всего несколько секунд. Если резюме хорошо структурировано и перечисленный в нем опыт внушает доверие — больше шансов, что рекрутер свяжется с кандидатом. Внимательно изучите вакансию, которая вас заинтересовала, и выберите только значимые для этой позиции достижения и функционал.
Если на прежней работе вы выполняли несколько ролей, то для резюме выберите те, которые отвечают на потребности работодателя. Например, кандидат выполнял функции клиентского менеджера, офис-менеджера и администратора, а я ищу строго специалиста по работе с клиентами. Я обращу внимание на то резюме, где нужный функционал будет описан точно и понятно.Юлия Еремеева, эксперт сервиса «Готовое резюме».
Резюме с простым перечислением функций и без примеров конкретных результатов вряд ли заинтересует работодателя. Общие формулировки вроде «успешный опыт проектной деятельности» или «работа с клиентами» ничего не скажут рекрутеру об уровне профессиональных навыков кандидата. Он скорее выберет тех, кто описал свой опыт максимально четко и внимательно отнесся к требованиям вакансии. Чтобы повысить свои шансы, можно создавать отдельные резюме под интересные вакансии. Количество резюме, которые вы можете создать на hh.ru, ограничено двадцатью. Поэтому вы можете завести, например, одно базовое резюме, а потом делать его адаптивные варианты под каждую интересующую вас вакансию, постепенно удаляя неактуальные, чтобы общее количество резюме не превысило 20.
Простые шаги, которые помогут упорядочить опыт для конкретного предложения:
- выделить главное;
- избавиться от лишней информации;
- выбрать тот опыт, который важен для конкретной вакансии;
- продумать, чем компенсировать слабые места резюме, если они обнаружатся в процессе подготовки резюме.
Теперь обо всем по порядку.
Вакансии на одинаковые должности у разных компаний могут отличаться функционалом, требованиями или формулировками. Один и тот же навык может быть критически важен для одного работодателя и не обязателен для другого. Учитывайте это, когда составляете резюме.
Это как в продажах — у работодателя есть потребности, а резюме это ответ на них: что я знаю, умею для занятия вакантной позиции и как мой предыдущий опыт это доказывает. Поэтому резюме не может быть одинаковым для всех, ведь у потенциальных нанимателей разные потребности, — объясняет Юлия Еремеева.Внимательно прочитайте вакансию и постарайтесь отметить у себя тот опыт, который лучше всего отражает нужные работодателю знания и умения. Хорошо подкреплять описание функционала конкретными достижениями — например, сколько клиентов удалось привлечь и за какой срок, или как быстро получилось внедрить систему документооборота в компании.

Придирчиво подходите к выбору фактов из своего трудового опыта. Описание стандартных должностных обязанностей заменяйте реальными задачами и показательными результатами. Если претендуете на массовую позицию в крупной компании, то соревноваться придется с сотнями других кандидатов. Помните, что главная задача резюме — привлечь внимание к вам как к специалисту.
«Если мы хотим научиться хорошо рассказывать о своем опыте и получать интересные предложения о работе, то важно развивать умение продавать свои навыки и знания на рынке труда. Не надо пугаться, если у вас мало опыта в презентации себя, это можно наработать с опытом», — говорит эксперт сервиса «Готовое резюме» Юлия Еремеева.
Исключите опыт, который не отвечает запросам работодателя. Если вы на прежнем месте работы совмещали несколько ролей — опишите только ту, которая напрямую относится к интересующей вас вакансии, рекомендует Юлия Еремеева: «Резюме — это не биография, а коммерческое предложение конкретному работодателю. Оно должно отвечать на главные вопросы: что я знаю и умею, в чем мои профессиональные преимущества, которые позволят занять определенную позицию».

Будьте гибкими, не увлекайтесь, удаляя лишнее из резюме. Если функционал из другой сферы будет полезен для решения задач нанимателя — можно о нем упомянуть. Например, пока вы учились в вузе, подрабатывали оператором кол-центра, а сейчас ищете работу по специальности, и вакансия, на которую вы претендуете, предполагает в том числе общение с клиентами. Упомяните про опыт в кол-центре, подчеркнув свои сильные переговорные навыки и отсутствие страха перед стрессовым общением. Это ваша сильная сторона, и она пригодится для многих должностей. У бывших юристов, например, способность самостоятельно оценить правовые риски тоже полезна для многих других сфер деятельности. Даже простое знание внутренней кухни какой-либо узкой отрасли и личные связи в ней сами по себе могут быть ценным багажом, если вы устраиваетесь в той же или смежной отрасли по другой специальности.
Расскажите про задачи, которые соответствуют следующей ступени в вашей профессиональной сфере. Если претендуете на управленческую позицию, выбирайте такие функции и показатели, когда от вас требовалась максимальная самостоятельность в принятии решений.
Изучите описание интересной вам вакансии, сравните с предложениями других компаний. Так вы сможете сориентироваться, чего ждут от специалиста более высокого уровня. Даже если сейчас подходящего опыта нет, важно показать — вы понимаете, какие требования есть для этой позиции, и готовы работать, чтобы соответствовать им.

Адаптация резюме под вакансию повышает шансы получить предложение — наниматель видит вашу заинтересованность, он получает только полезную информацию и быстрее принимает решение.
«Рынок изменился — сейчас преимущество на стороне работодателя. Хороших вакансий не так много, а специалистов, которые хотят их занять, часто более чем достаточно. Поэтому тот, кто более ответственно подошел к поиску и максимально точно отразил необходимый опыт работы, с большей вероятностью получает предложение», — говорит эксперт сервиса «Готовое резюме» Юлия Еремеева.
Не уверены в формулировках?
Эксперты «Готового резюме» помогут с адаптацией под вакансию
как составить и заставить его работать

Те, кто работает в сфере продаж, знают, как важно подготовить хорошее коммерческое предложение потенциальному клиенту. Резюме — такое же предложение для работодателей: если в нем в нем есть информация, которую готова «купить» компания, вы получите приглашение на собеседование.
В резюме есть три продающих части.
Работа в компании, о которой никто ничего не знает, отличается от опыта работы на известный бренд. Бренды — это не только крупные федеральные и транснациональные корпорации: на локальных рынках есть свои игроки, ключевые для каждого региона.
Работа на известное имя может придать дополнительный вес в глазах работодателя, ведь о компетентности кандидата судят, в том числе, и по развитию бизнес-процессов на его предыдущей работе и репутации этой компании на рынке.
Имя компании важно в дух ситуациях.
1. Работодатель покупает экспертизу.
Например, компания хочет внедрить категорийный менеджмент. Для этой цели она может привлечь специалиста с большим опытом управления категорией товаров для постановки этого бизнес-процесса внутри. В этом случае преимущество кандидата — опыт категорийного менеджмента внутри больших розничных сетей.
2. Работодатель ищет «своего».
В FMCG-компаниях для служб продаж есть одинаковые стандарты работы: шаги визита, технологии отбора, оценки, развития и обучения сотрудников. Нанимая кандидата из схожей системы, работодатель сможет сократить временные затраты на процесс адаптации новичка: это дополнительный плюс в выборе.
На hh.ru общую экспертизу пишут в блоке «Обо мне». Здесь нужны четкие и веские доказательства компетентности:
Опыт работы в сфере логистики более 10 лет.
Знание законодательства в сфере бухгалтерского и налогового учета.
Знание принципов работы с федеральными и локальными сетями.
Умение работать в команде.
Развитые аналитические навыки.
Для того, чтобы грамотно описать экспертизу, необходимо выделить ваши сильные профессиональные стороны, учитывая потребности работодателя. Какие знания, умения, навыки и опыт он хочет видеть у идеального кандидата? Убедите его, что полностью соответствуете этому портрету.
Часто слышу от кандидатов фразу: «У меня нет никаких достижений». Это не так: у каждого сотрудника на любом рабочем месте есть конкретные результаты. О них надо просто уметь рассказать.
Разработал и реализовал проект.
Выполнил объем продаж на 120% и стал лучшим сотрудником отдела.
Восстановил бухгалтерский учет.
Чтобы легко вспомнить, каких результатов вы достигли, например, 7 лет назад, их лучше постоянно записывать — сразу в резюме на сайте, или хранить отдельно. Это может быть обычный документ с основными достижениями, желательно с цифровым их выражением. Такая информация пригодится при коррекции резюме в будущем.
Что же такое достижения? Достижения — ваш личный вклад в бизнес компании.Вы что-то предложили, ваше предложение было реализовано и дало компании дополнительную прибыль или помогло снизить затраты — экономические, временные и так далее. Вы развили новое направление работы. Вы открыли филиал и с нуля наладили его работу.
Иногда мы не считаем это достижениями, занося эту информацию в блок «Обязанности». Но достижения — это то, что мы делаем не каждый день. Достижения требуют он нас большей вовлеченности и больших трудозатрат. Делая на них акцент, мы презентуем себя как сотрудника, который готов к большей производительности.
На основе этих продающих блоков — опыта, экспертизы и достижений — можно подготовить грамотное коммерческое предложение будущему работодателю. Но если составить резюме так, чтобы вас хотелось «купить», не получается, обратитесь за помощью к экспертам сервиса «Готовое резюме».
Профессиональный HR-менеджер задаст правильные вопросы и выявит недостающую информацию: с вашей помощью он создаст резюме, которое выделит вас среди других кандидатов на рынке труда.
Сделайте свое резюме «продающим», и удачи в поиске!
Хочу продающее резюме!90000 What to Put on a Resume: 7 Things to Include 90001 90002 90003 90003 90005 90002 One of the most common questions I get: «what do I need to put on my resume? And what order should I put it? » 90005 90002 There’s a lot of conflicting info out there about what goes on a resume and how to structure it. 90005 90002 So I’m going to share 90011 exactly what to put on a resume, 90012 based on my experience as a recruiter. 90005 90002 Let’s get started … 90005 90016 What to Put on a Resume: 90017 90002 90011 These are 8 key types of information that a resume should include: 90012 90005 90002 Now that you know the 8 main things to include in a resume, let’s look at these sections step-by-step so you’ll know how to write each one … because that’s equally important.90005 90002 Writing these things in the wrong way is not going to help you get any interviews. 90005 90026 1. Name and Contact Info 90027 90002 At the top of your resume, put your full name and a professional-looking email address. 90005 90002 Your phone number and street address are optional, but for most people, I’d recommend putting it. 90005 90002 If you’re applying for jobs out-of-state, it might make sense to leave your address off. 90005 90002 Now, for formatting and design … 90005 90002 I’d keep it simple and «clean» -looking.No distractions. Not too many fonts and colors. In fact, this is good advice for how to format your whole resume. 90005 90002 Here’s a screenshot of what a simple resume header with your name and contact info might look like: 90005 90002 90041 90041 90005 90002 You can add a bit more in terms of design, but do not go overboard. 90005 90026 2. Summary Paragraph 90027 90002 This is the next section of your resume, and should go right after your name and contact info in most cases. 90005 90002 This is a two or three sentence summary of your qualifications and accomplishments throughout your career (or throughout your education if you just graduated).90005 90002 Note: this is not an «objective». I’d advise against putting an objective on your resume. Hiring managers know your objective is to land a job in their industry that will utilize your skills, etc. 90005 90002 So put a summary paragraph instead. 90005 90002 If you need help writing this paragraph, here’s an article filled with great resume summary examples. 90005 90026 3. Employment History 90027 90002 If you have held any previous jobs (including internships!), This is where to put it.And it’s one of the first things a hiring manager wants to see on your resume … 90005 90002 90011 So it should be on the top half of the first page 90012 — visible without scrolling down. 90005 90002 Overall, you should put it in chronological order (most recent first), and list job titles, company names, dates (you can choose to put just years, or month and year you started and ended each job — just stay consistent) . 90005 90002 And then of course, put bullets highlighting what you did in each job.I’d suggest 4-8 bullet points per job. 90005 90002 In these bullet points, do not just talk about job duties; talk about what you actually accomplished. There’s a big difference. 90005 90002 Here’s an example … 90005 90002 Rather than saying, «responsible for managing 5 sales associates» … try to say something like, «successfully led 5 sales associates to achieve 139% of team sales goals for Fiscal Year 2017.» 90005 90002 90077 90077 90005 90002 The image above is an example of a resume Employment History section with accomplishment-driven bullets.90005 90002 If you want more help, here’s an article with more resume employment history examples. 90005 90026 4. Skills 90027 90002 This is the next big section to put on your resume. 90005 90002 You might be tempted to put it before your Employment History … and people might have even told you to do this. But the only time I think it makes sense to list Skills first is if you have absolutely no work experience. 90005 90002 Here’s why … Hiring managers do not want to see a long list of skills without being able to see WHERE you learned / used each skill (and how recently you used them).90005 90002 This is why they’re much more likely to scan your resume for your Employment History section. And that’s why we put it higher up! 90005 90002 Skills should come after that. 90005 90002 In your Skills section, you can put a list of your top 90011 skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for, 90012 and you can even put them under a few headers / categories if you think it makes sense for your job and industry. 90005 90002 There’s no «magic» number of skills to put. Some people might only need 3-10; others might put 20.It really depends on how long you’ve been working and what field of work you’re in. 90005 90002 Make sure you think about what’s relevant for the job though; do not just list a bunch of skills that will not help you in their job. 90005 90002 And think about keywords too — this is a great place to put keywords on your resume so you can get past online job application systems. 90005 90026 5. Education 90027 90002 Put the name of your school (s), your field of study, and graduation date — unless you feel your graduation date will leave you open to age discrimination on your resume.If you graduated a long time ago, feel free to leave the dates off. 90005 90002 You can also put your GPA in this section. I’d only recommend doing that if it was above 3.0 / 4. Otherwise, leave it off. 90005 90002 You might be asked about your GPA in the first few years of your career, but you’re very unlikely to be asked about it again after that, so do not worry if your GPA is below 3.0 / 4. Just exclude it from your resume. 90005 90026 6. Community Involvement (Optional) 90027 90002 If you’ve done any volunteer work or helped in your community in other ways, this is where to put it.90005 90002 You can list the location, dates, and your contribution / work. 90005 90002 If you have not done any volunteering or community-related work, do not worry — just do not put this section on your resume. 90005 90026 7. Awards / Achievements (Optional — Can be combined with other sections) 90027 90002 Any time you’ve received awards or other recognition for your accomplishments, you should put it on your resume. 90005 90002 However, you do not always need a separate section for it. That’s up to you … 90005 90002 If you got an academic award, you can list it under your Education section (beneath your degree, GPA, etc.) 90005 90002 If you received an award or recognition for outstanding performance at a previous job, you can list it as a bullet point or a note underneath that specific job in your Employment History section. 90005 90002 So while awards and achievements are a great thing to include on any resume, they do not always need their own dedicated section. 90005 90016 What Should Go on a Resume if You Have No Work Experience? 90017 90002 Now, if you just graduated and have absolutely no work experience, here’s what I recommend … 90005 90002 (Note that if you even have an internship or part-time job that you’ve worked while going to school, you should use the steps above! Any work experience at all is worth showing on your resume).90005 90002 However, if you have absolutely ZERO work experience, here’s what to put on your resume … 90005 90002 We’re going to follow the sections outlined above, but move # 5 (Education) up to # 3 … so it will be right below your Summary section. 90005 90002 So it will look like this … 90005 90026 1. Name and Contact Info 90027 90002 As mentioned earlier, you should put your full name and professional-looking email address. 90005 90002 Your street address and phone number are optional, but for most people, it makes sense to include those too.90005 90002 The big exception: If you’re trying to get a job in another state. If so, consider leaving the address off. 90005 90026 2. Summary Section 90027 90002 Even if you have no work experience, you can say something like, «Recent Finance graduate with training in ____ and ____ seeking an opportunity to do ____.» 90005 90002 For more help, read our full article on resume summaries for students and fresh graduates. 90005 90026 3. Education 90027 90002 If you have no work experience, put more information in your Education section.90005 90002 Were you involved in any clubs / activities at school? 90005 90002 What were some key projects you completed or coursework you did? (Specifically, key projects that related to the jobs you’re applying for now). 90005 90002 Your resume should take up one full page, even if you have no work experience, and your Education section is a place where you want to provide additional detail to fill out the page. 90005 90026 4. Skills 90027 90002 You can list skills that you learned in your studies or skills you’ve developed on your own.90005 90002 Only put skills you’re really comfortable talking about and using, because it’s very likely they’ll ask about this in an interview. 90005 90002 90011 If done right, the Skills section can be a powerful tool to help you get more interviews though, for two reasons: 90012 90005 90002 First, it’s a great way to put a lot of relevant keywords onto your resume, so that you get past computerized job application systems. 90005 90002 Second, it’s an easy way to show employers what you know that’s going to help you succeed in their job.Always re-order and re-adjust your Skills section to fit what you think this specific employer wants! 90005 90002 More info on how to do that is coming up, but let’s finish the list first … 90005 90026 5. Community Involvement (Optional) 90027 90002 Any volunteer work or community service you’ve done. This shows employers that you’re enthusiastic and involved in the community, which can help set you apart (while also filling up your resume). 90005 90026 6. Awards / Achievements (Optional — Can be combined with other sections) 90027 90002 If you have no work experience, these would likely be academic achievements.Go ahead and list them underneath your Education section. 90005 90002 So do not put this as a separate section, but do include awards, achievements, and any recognition you received when you write your Education section in Step 3 above. 90005 90002 90011 You now know what to include on a resume, even if you’ve never held a job! Keep reading though, because next — we’re going to look at mistakes to avoid. 90012 90005 90016 What NOT to Include on a Resume: 90017 90002 Now we’ve looked at what should be included in a resume and how to write those sections to grab attention.90005 90002 We’re not done yet though — there are a few things that you should leave off of your resume if you want to get interviews … and you may not have been warned about these. So let’s cover that next … 90005 90026 Irrelevant jobs 90027 90002 If you have a long work history, considering removing some jobs that are not relevant, or were at the very beginning of your career (especially if you’ve been working 15-20 years or more). 90005 90002 Note that you should not remove an irrelevant job if it’s going to leave your employment history empty.For example, if you’ve only held one job but it’s not relevant to what you want to do next, you should still keep it. 90005 90002 Why? It’s better to put a job that does not seem closely related to your current job search than to put absolutely nothing in your «Employment History». 90005 90002 And you can always show traits like leadership, accountability, hard work, problem-solving, etc., in your past work history, no matter what job you had! So hiring managers might still find it relevant and impressive.90005 90026 An «Objective» section 90027 90002 Use a Career Summary section instead, as mentioned earlier in the article. 90005 90002 You can read more about why a resume does not need an objective here. 90005 90026 Anything that makes it more than 2 pages 90027 90002 Unless you have a Ph.D. and are writing an academic CV … or unless you’ve been working for 10-15 + years … your resume should not be more than two pages. 90005 90002 For 75-80% of people, it should really only be one page. 90005 90002 So focus on what’s most important and keep the length short.90005 90002 As a recruiter, I’d rather see 8 specific skills that are relevant to the job I’m hiring for, rather than a list of 30 general skills that you’ve used throughout your career but might not be relevant to the job . So 90011 make your resume laser-focused and target their needs! 90012 90005 90026 Spelling or grammar mistakes 90027 90002 Proofread and spellcheck everything. 90005 90002 You are very unlikely to get called for an interview if you have a spelling or grammar mistake on your resume — and nobody’s going to tell you either.90005 90002 So you need to find it yourself, or have a friend proofread it carefully for you! 90005 90002 Here’s a little trick if you proofread it yourself: temporarily change your resume to an unusual font before proofreading. It will help you spot errors (sounds crazy, I know. But it works). 90005 90002 Now you’ve hopefully gotten answers to your questions about what should a resume include, and you’ve seen the top things to leave off as well. 90005 90002 There’s one final step, though, that’s going to get you far more interviews from all of this … 90005 90016 Final Step: «Tailor» Your Resume to the Job Description 90017 90002 I’d recommend «Tailoring» your resume to match the job description before sending it out for each job.90005 90002 It’ll take you a bit longer per job application, but 90011 you’ll get far more responses. 90012 90005 90002 Would you rather apply for 50 jobs and hear back from 1? Or apply for 25 jobs and hear back from 4? 90005 90002 That’s the type of difference tailoring your resume can make. Here’s a full article on how to easily tailor your resume for each job. (This method will save you a ton of time). 90005 90002 Now you know what goes on a resume and how to make each section attractive to employers.90005 90002 If you follow the steps above you’re going to have a great resume that grabs attention and shows recruiters and hiring managers why they should interview you immediately. 90005 90002 90005.90000 What to Put on a Resume [7 + Job-Winning Sections] 90001 90002 Choosing what to put on a resume can be a real struggle even if it’s not your first time writing a resume. 90003 90002 After all, not every resume has the same sections. Depending on your experience level & where you’re applying, your resume might look 90005 completely different 90006. 90003 90002 For example, you always need to include your contact information, but the resume objective can be very situational. 90003 90002 The content that goes inside each section can differ as well, depending on whether you are applying for a job, an internship, or for a Ph.D. program. 90003 90002 So, the key here is to tailor your resume content to the job you’re applying for. As long as you mention the right things on your resume, you’re bound to land a job you’ll love. 90003 90002 Read on to learn what to put on your resume, depending on where you’re applying. We’ve also added a little extra section at the end of the guide on what NOT to include under any circumstance. 90003 90002 90017 Without the right tools, making a resume can be a major hassle. Want a modern-looking resume done in less than 5 minutes? Try our 90018 90017 online resume builder 90018 90017.It’s free, and you can pick between 8+ 90018 90017 resume templates 90018 90017. 90018 90003 90002 90017 Land your dream job now, with your slick new resume! 90018 90003 90032 What to Include in a Resume To Land The Perfect Job 90033 90034 The most important contents to include on your resume are: 90035 90036 90037 Contact information 90038 90037 Resume summary or objective statement 90038 90037 Professional Experience 90038 90037 Skills / Certifications 90038 90037 Education 90038 90037 Other Important Sections 90038 90037 Tailor Your Resume to The Job Description 90038 90051 90002 In this guide, we’re going to go through all of them one-by-one and teach you what to write in each section.90003 90032 1. What Contact Information Should Your Resume Have? 90033 90002 A great resume would contain the following contact information in the right order: 90003 90002 90005 Full Name 90006 — The generally preferred format is Name, Last Name 90003 90002 Right under the name, you should include your: 90003 90002 90005 Professional Title 90006 — this should always mirror the job position you are applying for. 90003 90002 Let’s say you are applying for a 90017 «front-end web development» 90018 position but your professional title says 90017 «Junior Data Scientist» 90018.90003 90002 Whoever picks up your resume will most likely discard it thinking that you are either overqualified for the position or your resume is in the wrong pile. 90003 90002 90005 Professional Email Address 90006 90003 90002 Your email should be professional and not something you created back in primary school. (90017 «[email protected]» 90018 or 90017 «[email protected]» 90018) 90003 90002 If you do not have one, make an email specifically for your career and make it something along the lines of [name] [ last name] @ email.com 90003 90002 90005 Phone Number 90006 — If you are applying for a job outside your country, make sure to include your country code as well. If you have a US phone number, for example, you’d add (+1) in front of the number 555 555 5555. 90003 90002 Here’s an example of how this would look exactly. 90003 90002 So far so good. However, you can notice how there is a lot of valuable empty space for you to add more eye-catching information. 90003 90002 Aside from the basic contact information, you should also put on your resume links to your social media handles and / or personal websites.90003 90098 Relevant Social Media Handles 90099 90002 Here are some common social handles you could include: 90003 90002 90005 LinkedIn 90006 90003 90002 Many companies nowadays ask for a Linkedin profile when you apply for a job. 90003 90002 Your chances of getting hired will be greater if you keep your LinkedIn profile just as up-to-date as your resume. 90003 90002 90005 Twitter 90006 90003 90002 In very specific cases, you can also include your Twitter profile (if it’s somehow relevant to the job).90003 90002 Some marketing jobs ask for an existing social following, for example. In others, you could use it to display your witty, under-20-characters writing skills. 90003 90002 90005 Quora 90006 90003 90002 Quora questions and answers cover a wide range of business topics nowadays. 90003 90002 Are you an expert at giving business advice with 100+ answers on the topic? You can show your authority by linking your Quora page. 90003 90002 90005 StackOverflow 90006 90003 90002 Mainly relevant for 90005 developers, 90006 90005 coders 90006, 90005 computer scientists 90006.90003 90002 Having a very active Stack overflow profile can give you a big boost if you code. 90003 90002 90005 Github 90006 90003 90002 Only for 90005 developers 90006, 90005 coders 90006, 90005 data scientists 90006, etc. 90003 90002 Github is a great way to showcase your projects. Whether it’s a website you developed, or a mobile game, make sure to include it! 90003 90002 90005 Medium 90006 90003 90002 90005 Freelancers 90006, 90005 writers 90006, 90005 bloggers 90006, and 90005 entrepreneurs 90006.90003 90002 A rich medium profile can help you showcase your writing skills and personality before even getting to the interview or trial task. 90003 90002 Make sure to only put the relevant social media handles on your resume. If you are applying for a software development position, for example, your StackOverflow profile will be more relevant than your Twitter account. 90003 90098 URL to your personal website / channels 90099 90002 Here are some typical examples of what you could include: 90003 90176 90037 90005 Personal website 90006 — Include a link to your personal website if you have an established online presence.Do not include it if it’s just a literal HTML copy of your resume. No one will want to read the same content over again. 90038 90037 90005 Personal blog 90006 — Only include this if it is relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you have a blog that positions you as an expert in your field. A personal blog on meditation and unlocking the power within will not mean much when applying for an accounting position. 90038 90037 90005 URL to your personal portfolio 90006 — For web designers, illustrators, painters, photographers, etc… 90038 90037 90005 Youtube channel 90006 — A channel containing videos of you explaining quantum economics can be a great thing to put on a resume if you are applying for a job in the field of economics. 90038 90193 90002 So in the end, your contact information section would look something like this: 90003 90002 90017 This example was made with a Novorésumé template, and it took us less than 15 seconds! Give our online resume builder a try — we’ll save you from the hassle of manually formatting your resume! 90018 90003 90032 2.Make the Right First Impression With a Resume Summary or Resume Objective 90033 90002 Nowadays, it takes less than half a second for someone to swipe left and discard your entire worth on Tinder. 90003 90002 Luckily, when applying for a job, you will not be swiped left based on how you look. You’ll get discarded if you fail to catch the HR manager’s attention. 90003 90002 On average, it takes an HR manager or recruiter around 6 seconds to decide whether your resume goes on the discard pile or not.90003 90002 That’s why you want to leave a good first impression. Just like you did with that Tinder profile photo you uploaded from the time when you still had abs! 90003 90002 When writing a resume, the best way to achieve that is by writing a killer resume summary or objective. 90003 90098 How to Write a Resume Summary 90099 90002 A resume summary is a 2-3 sentence summary of your entire professional career. If you have more than 2 years of work experience, you’d opt for the resume summary instead of an objective (we’ll explain why in a bit!).90003 90002 The core structure of a resume summary should contain the following information: 90003 90002 90005 Jobs and years of experience 90006 90003 90176 90037 Senior front-end developer with 10+ years of experience in Angular and ReactJs 90038 90193 90002 90005 Relevant achievements and responsibilities 90006 90003 90176 90037 Specialized in developing e-commerce solutions following agile development principles. 90038 90193 90002 90005 What you are looking for. Your goal. 90006 90003 90176 90037 Seeking a position as a front-end lead developer at a startup company 90038 90193 90002 To make sure your resume summary is memorable, make sure to mention how your previous experience on motivation will be beneficial to the company you’re applying for.You should include the following information: 90003 90176 90037 What can you do for them? 90038 90037 How will your previous experience fit in the company’s current environment? 90038 90037 How can you help their company grow while pursuing your own personal goals simultaneously? 90038 90193 90098 How to Write a Resume Objective 90099 90002 Just like a resume summary, your resume objective is also max 2-3 sentences. Rather than describing your work experience, the resume objective focuses more on your motivation for applying for a specific job.90003 90002 If you’re a professional with several years ‘worth of work experience, you should always stick to the resume summary. You’re much more likely to sell yourself with your experience, rather than motivation. 90003 90002 If you’re one of the following, though, you might want to use a resume objective: 90003 90176 90037 Recent graduate with no work experience 90038 90037 Professional going through a major career shift with no relevant preceding work experience 90038 90037 Student looking for your very first internship 90038 90037 Professional with a career gap 90038 90193 90034 Your resume objective should be structured as follows: 90035 90002 (1) 90273 [SKILL / EDUCATION / CERTIFICATION RELEVANT TO THE JOB WITH JOB TITLE] 90274.Looking to apply my (2) 90273 [years / months of EXPERIENCE RELEVANT TO THE JOB DESCRIPTION] 90274 at 90273 [COMPANY YOU ARE APPLYING TO] to help 90274 90273 (3) 90274 90273 [TYPE OF RESPONSIBILITIES YOU WILL HELP OUT WITH SUCCESSFULLY] 90274. 90003 90002 And here’s how this looks like in practice: 90003 90002 90017 «Driven and meticulous recent graduate with a B.Sc. in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics with a 3.98 GPA. 6 + months of experience in forensic accounting and spreadsheet & data manipulation.Looking for an entry-level position as a forensic accountant at the XYZ Accounting Firm. » 90018 90003 90002 To make sure your resume summary is memorable, as with the resume objective, you want to make sure that it’s tailored for the position you’re applying for. 90003 90002 In addition, make sure to mention: 90003 90176 90037 Your skills / experiences that are relevant to the job you’re applying for 90038 90037 Exact keywords from the listing to increase chances of passing through application tracking systems 90038 90037 How you’re going to help the company achieve its goals 90038 90193 90032 3.How to Write Your Work Experience to Stand Out 90033 90002 This is the CORE section of your resume. 90003 90002 Here is where you get to 90017 «advertise» 90018 yourself by listing past responsibilities and achievements on a job. 90003 90002 Whether you do this right or not is the main deciding factor between your Plan A job and your Plan D. 90003 90002 You could have an outstanding history of professional experience. But if you do not word it the right way, someone else might snatch away your dream job (even if you’re perfectly qualified for it!).90003 90098 How to Include Your Professional Experience on your Resume? (Step-by-step) 90099 90002 Here’s a three-step process of how to list your work experience so that you can make it stand out: 90003 90002 90005 1. Add Your Job Title 90006 90003 90002 This should be right at the top so that anyone scanning your resume will not miss it. 90003 90002 90005 2. A short 1-2 sentence description explaining what the company does. 90006 90003 90002 Certainly, if you have worked in a globally recognized brand like Apple, Google, McKinsey’s, etc, then you probably do not need to include background information on the company.90003 90002 Otherwise, add the company’s name, location of the office where you worked, and a one-sentence description of what the company does. 90003 90002 90005 3. Include 4-6 bullet points describing the core duties and activities you performed for the company. 90006 90003 90002 Now, this is the tricky part — listing your work experience the right way. 90003 90002 Each bullet point here should be a one-sentence description of a duty or activity. 90003 90002 Most people, when writing their resume, simply list out their basic responsibilities.90003 90002 Things like 90017 «Managed the sales at the company & dealing with clients» 90018 or 90017 «Marketed company products and drove sales.» 90018 90003 90002 Well, here’s the thing. The hiring manager knows what your responsibilities are. What they want to know is how you drove results at the company and helped take it from point A to point B. 90003 90002 Here’s how a well-written achievements / duties / activities look like: 90003 90098 Describe your Achievements using Numbers and Percentages to Back Them Up 90099 90002 When possible, you should back up your achievements with numbers and percentages.90003 90002 This is how you show the employer that you’re a high-achiever. 90003 90002 90005 To show you how this looks in practice, let’s take an example of an achievement for a customer support agent: 90006 90003 90002 90017 «Increased customer support ticket closing satisfaction rate» 90018 90003 90002 While this is definitely a good start, it does not actually mean anything. Anyone could say they’ve done this — but there’s a huge difference between someone who increased the satisfaction rate by 0.5%, and by 30%. 90003 90002 90005 What if you rephrased it as: 90006 90003 90002 90017 «Increased customer support ticket closing satisfaction rate from 47% to 72% within 3 months.» 90018 90003 90002 Now, this is a lot more actionable. The hiring manager can see how good you are, and how you’d be an asset for the company. 90003 90002 In this case, it’s instantly clear that you know what you’re doing, and your resume goes directly to the YES pile. 90003 90098 Should You Include Internships on Your Resume? 90099 90002 If you just graduated, chances are that an internship (or internships) is the only relevant experience you have.So, definitely mention it in your resume. 90003 90002 If you have already worked for a few years, though, you can completely get rid of internships from your resume. 90003 90002 There are some exceptions to this rule, though. For example, if you did an internship at CERN (the particle reactor in Switzerland, one of the most renowned experimental physics institutes in the world), you would be better off keeping it. 90003 90032 4. What Skills Should You Put on a Resume to Make You Stand Out? 90033 90002 90017 «Roughly 75% of large companies use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).As a result, over 90018 90017 70% of resumes submitted to job-boards 90018 90017 are never read. » 90018 90003 90002 Luckily, getting past ATS is not that hard. All you have to do is mention the right skills in your resume. 90003 90002 By the right skills, we mean the skills asked for in the 90017 «requirements» 90018 or 90017 «qualifications» 90018 section of the job ad. 90003 90002 To figure out what they are for the position you’re applying for, simply go through the listing. 90003 90002 Let’s cover a real example to make this super clear.90003 90002 Here’s a job listing for a UX / UI Designer position at XYZ Inc .: 90003 90002 As you can see, the skills required for the position are: 90003 90176 90037 Proficiency in standard UX software such as Sketch, InVision, Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Photoshop, XD) and other relevant UX and UI design tools 90038 90037 Good understanding of front-end web development (HTML, CSS, JAVA) 90038 90037 Strong problem solving, project management and organizational skills. 90038 90193 90002 Now, all you have to do is mention all of them individually in your resume Skills section.90003 90034 Pro TIP: 90035 90002 NEVER lie on a resume about your skills ‘experience level. Even if you do make it past the interviews and miraculously get the job, you’ll eventually be caught in the lie. 90003 90098 Hard Skills 90099 90002 Hard skills are the technical skills you pick at university or work. They can be measured, and are usually directly related to the tasks you complete at work 90003 90002 Think, anything from designing in Photoshop to using a specific ERP system. 90003 90002 Here’s how they’d look on your resume: 90003 90002 Looks neat right? 90003 90002 That’s not just it, though.To write a good Skills section, you should also mention some of your soft skills. 90003 90002 90017 Not sure which skills to use? It might be one of these 90018 90017 100+ essential skills to put on any resume 90018 90017! 90018 90003 90098 Soft Skills 90099 90002 While hard skills are learned technical skills, soft skills are your personal attributes. 90003 90002 Here are a few, just to give you a general idea: 90003 90176 90037 Leadership skills 90038 90037 Strategic management and planning 90038 90037 Research 90038 90037 Teamwork 90038 90037 Communication 90038 90193 90002 And here’s how they look on your resume: 90003 90034 Pro TIP: 90035 90002 Your skills section should be backed up by your work experience.If you say that you’re an expert at Java, but you’ve never worked as a Java developer, no one’s going to buy it. 90003 90098 Universal Skills 90099 90002 As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to also put some universal skills on your resume. 90003 90002 What are universal skills? 90003 90002 They are skills that fit in the description or requirements of most career fields. Universal skills can be both soft and hard skills. 90003 90002 Some soft universal skills are leadership, teamwork, and analytical thinking.90003 90002 Ms Word, Excel, Powerpoint, writing skills, etc … are typical hard universal skills. 90003 90002 Regardless of the job you are applying for, these are the skills that will come in handy at some point. 90003 90032 5. How to List Education on a Resume 90033 90002 Another essential part of your resume is the Education section. Here, you describe your academic career with any relevant achievements. 90003 90002 Here’s how you’d format your education section: 90003 90002 And here’s how this would look on a resume: 90003 90002 Keep in mind that you should mention your education in 90005 reverse-chronological order 90006.So, the most recent thing goes on top. 90003 90002 When writing your education section, here’s a couple of things you should keep in mind: 90003 90036 90037 Do not mention your high school degree if you have a university degree 90038 90037 Mention your GPA only if it’s above 3.5. Anything below that might not seem too impressive (especially if you’re competing with someone who listed a 4.0) 90038 90037 Mention your education before your work experience if you do not have any work experience. 90038 90051 90032 6.Other Important Sections to Put on a Resume 90033 90002 By this point, you have already done the heavy-duty work. The previous sections are the MUST-haves of a resume. 90003 90002 There are, however, several other sections you can mention on your resume that’ll help you land the job. 90003 90098 90005 Certifications and Awards 90006 90099 90002 Do you have any certifications or awards that are relevant to your field or career? Make sure to put them on your resume! 90003 90002 If you are a software developer or engineer, you could mention things like your Java or AWS certification.90003 90002 Similarly, if you are applying for a Digital Marketing position, those Google Analytics and AdWords certifications would come in very handy. 90003 90098 90005 Languages 90006 90099 90002 In today’s world, languages are one of the top distinguishing hiring factors. Since most companies nowadays are international, knowing two or more languages can become a HUGE advantage. 90003 90002 Countless companies nowadays value bilingual employees more than those speaking only one language.90003 90002 Whatever job you are applying for, make sure to include all the languages you speak on your resume. Include your proficiency level next to each one. 90003 90002 You can see in the example below the different phrases you can use to describe your language proficiency levels. 90003 90036 90037 Native or Bilingual 90038 90037 Full Professional Proficiency 90038 90037 Professional Working Proficiency 90038 90037 Limited Working Proficiency 90038 90037 Elementary Working Proficiency 90038 90051 90002 Make sure not to lie about this.It’s not hard to figure out when someone does not speak a language. Your «Full Professional Proficiency» Spanish might go «adios» all the way down to «Elementary» if the interviewer speaks the language. 90003 90098 90005 Hobbies and Interests 90006 90099 90002 The hobbies and interests section can help you convey a little bit of personality. 90003 90002 This is where you can show how big of an influence music is in your life. Or even reveal your Harry Potter addiction. Whatever it is, make sure you mention something that can really set you apart from the rest.90003 90002 You never know, maybe you end up having a lot in common with whoever picks up your resume. 90003 90098 Volunteering Experience 90099 90002 Altruism and generosity are characteristics that will make you stand out regardless of the environment you find yourself in, the office included. 90003 90002 Hiring managers tend to prefer candidates who have some volunteering experience. This means that the employee is the type to spend their own free time on a worthy goal. 90003 90002 Chances are, the same dedication also transfers to the workplace.90003 90002 If the volunteering experience is somehow related to your career, you can include it in the work experience section. Otherwise, you can create a separate section just for this. 90003 90002 Here’s how this would look like: 90003 90098 90005 Publications 90006 90099 90002 If you’re a professional writer (i.e. journalist, researcher, scholar, etc.), you’d benefit from including your publications on the resume. 90003 90002 Maybe you have several blog posts published online, or a publication or two in an academic journal.90003 90002 Whichever the case is, you can include them in your resume and make sure to mention the link. 90003 90098 90005 Projects 90006 90099 90002 Side projects are super important for many positions. They can help you make up for any lack of experience in a certain field, or display your passion for the job. 90003 90002 For example, if you are a developer or a coder, you must have a bunch of projects on Github. It could be a project you have done for a class or some app you started working on with your friends back in college (new Facebook, anyone?).90003 90002 Projects are not just for coders, though. Maybe you attended a startup weekend at some point in your life? Or participated in a design hackathon? 90003 90002 Both of these examples can really add value to your application. 90003 90002 If you’re an entrepreneur, you can also mention some of your side hustles. Things like re-selling goods on eBay, selling your art on Etsy, and so on. 90003 90032 Next Steps: Tailoring Your Resume to the Job 90033 90002 Now that you know what sections to put on your resume, let’s talk about its content.90003 90002 It’s essential that any information you’ve mentioned on your resume is relevant to the job. 90003 90002 We really can not emphasize enough how important it is for you to check every section you have put on your resume and make sure each one is tailored to the job / position you are applying for. 90003 90002 Why? 90003 90002 Because the hiring manager wants the job seeker that’s applying for THEIR position, not sending a mass application to 50+ different companies. 90003 90002 So, here’s how you’d tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for.As step # 1, take a look at the job ad and identify top requirements and skills. 90003 90002 Let’s use the following ad as an example: 90003 90002 As you can see, the most important requirements are: 90003 90176 90037 5+ years of experience in the field 90038 90037 Skills in Copywriting, Photoshop, and email marketing 90038 90037 Practical experience creating and optimizing landing pages 90038 90193 90002 Now, you need to make sure you mention all of these in your resume, in whichever section they’re relevant.90003 90002 Now that you know exactly what to put on a resume, we thought it would be helpful to also cover what NOT to put on a resume. 90003 90032 20+ Things You Should NOT Include in Your Resume 90033 90034 What NOT to Include in the Contact Info Section 90035 90176 90037 Date of Birth — Age should not matter to a hiring manager. It’s not important for their decision-making, and at worst, it might lead to age-based discrimination. 90038 90037 An Unprofessional Email Address — Do: [email protected] Do not: [email protected] 90038 90037 Photo — Especially in the US and in the UK (due to anti-discrimination laws). Hiring managers do not need to know your appearance to evaluate your resume and application overall. 90038 90037 Your exact address — very few businesses use mailing services nowadays to communicate with potential hires. It’s inefficient, and it’s simply safer to use your email. 90038 90193 90034 What NOT to Include in the Resume Summary or Objective Section 90035 90176 90037 If you have a few years of related work experience, then you should not include a resume objective.90038 90037 Your resume summary or objective should also not include any requests, demands, or salary requirements. 90038 90193 90034 What NOT to Put in the Work Experience Section 90035 90176 90037 Jobs that are not even remotely relevant to the position you are applying for. No one cares about your experience as a cashier if you’re applying for a designer gig 90038 90037 Fluff that does not say anything. This is a lot more common than you’d think. Make sure all your duties and activities listed are practical 90038 90037 Jobs that you had for a short time period (a few weeks).This shows that you’re a job hopper and unlikely to stick around for job (even if the employer you quit on was horrible). 90038 90037 Any illegal jobs 90038 90193 90034 What NOT to Add to the Skills Section 90035 90176 90037 Irrelevant skills to the job in question 90038 90037 Fluff skills just to take up space. Fun fact — a TON of university students fill up their resume with buzzwords like 90017 «Leadership, Critical Thinking» 90018 and so on. 90038 90193 90034 What NOT to Include in the Education Section 90035 90176 90037 Your GPA (if it’s lower than 3.5) 90038 90037 Your high school degree (if you have a university degree) 90038 90037 The entire list of all the courses you attended in college 90038 90193 90034 Others 90035 90176 90037 Hobbies related to controversial topics (politics, religion, sex) based on ideologies and cultural differences. You can never know if the person reading your resume is on the same page as you. 90038 90037 Childhood hobbies. Sure, you were a great football player in high school. But how relevant is it for that junior accounting position you are applying to? 90038 90037 Irrelevant projects and publications.90038 90193 90032 Key Takeaways — What to Put on a Resume 90033 90002 Now that we’ve covered all the sections & contents you need to put on a resume, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned: 90003 90176 90037 The core contents of a resume include: 90005 contact information 90006, 90005 resume summary 90006/90005 resume objective 90006, 90005 work experience 90006, 90005 education 90006 and 90005 skills 90006. 90038 90037 The optional sections are: 90005 certifications & awards 90006, 90005 languages 90006, 90005 hobbies 90006 & 90005 interests 90006, 90005 volunteering experience 90006, 90005 publications 90006, and 90005 projects 90006.90038 90037 Make sure to make your work experience section shine by talking about results & achievements, instead of dull responsibilities 90038 90037 Lastly, you should 90005 tailor your resume to each different job you apply for! 90006 90038 90193 90002 At Novorésumé, we’re committed to helping you get the job you deserve, every step of the way! Follow our career blog to stay up to date with the industry-leading advice. Or, check out some of our top guides: 90003.90000 Applying for Jobs Out of State? This Resume Tip Can Help 90001 90002 90003 90002 Your resume is extremely important in finding a job and is the biggest factor in whether you get the interview or not. Living in one state (or country) and applying for jobs out of state makes it even more vital. 90003 90002 And one of the biggest hurdles is how to list your location on your resume when applying for jobs in a different state. 90003 90002 90009 A question on this topic was emailed to me by a reader last week: 90010 90003 90002 90013 Hi Biron.I’m living in San Francisco and trying to move to Denver. The problem I’m running into is that I’m not receiving any interviews and I’m guessing it’s because there are local applicants that are equally qualified. I believe I can interview better than them and prove myself but I need to get into the interviews. My address and phone number on my resume are a dead giveaway that I’m living in the Bay Area. Do you recommend that I lie on my resume to get a job interview? 90014 90003 90016 How To List Your Address When Applying For Jobs Out Of State: 90017 90002 At first glance there are 2 options: Tell the truth or lie about your address 90003 90002 Let’s look at the pros and cons of both options so you know what you’re up against.Then keep reading because there’s a third option that works pretty well too and you will not want to miss it. 90003 90022 Option # 1: Lie On Your Resume 90023 90002 When applying for jobs out of state, one strategy is to use a friend or family member’s address in that city, or just list the city without a street address on your resume. Or make up an address. Lying on your resume will probably get you the initial phone interview, but there are a few problems with all of these tactics. 90003 90002 90009 4 Potential Problems … 90010 90003 90030 90031 You probably do not have a local phone number to put on the top of your resume.You can not hide everything. 90032 90031 You’re beginning the interview process with a huge lie. Even if it does not get uncovered, you’ll be more nervous during the process and it will not feel as comfortable. 90032 90031 If everything goes well on a phone interview, they’ll invite you on a face to face interview and you’ll have to cover all of the travel expenses since the company thinks you’re living locally. Some companies do multiple rounds of face to face interviews! 90032 90031 And finally, when you’re offered a job, they’re probably going to mail the offer letter to the address you provided.Also if a company offers relocation assistance, you might lose out on that because they think you’re a local candidate. 90032 90039 90022 90009 Option # 2: Tell The Truth And Put Your Out-Of-State Address 90010 90023 90002 This option is simple, and chances are you’ve already tried it. Accept that some employers will not want to interview you, but continue to list your full out-of-state address on your resume. 90003 90002 90009 There’s one big drawback, which you probably already know … 90010 90003 90002 Some companies only consider local candidates.This will limit the number of opportunities you’re able to interview for. Not every company will be open to interviewing you, even on the phone. 90003 90002 Still, I would try this option for a couple of weeks to start my job search. It’s a good place to start because it’s the safest, assuming you can get some companies willing to talk to you. The only risk is spending time applying for jobs and finding out you’re not getting enough responses or interviews. 90003 90002 If that happens, you’ll need to consider other options.That’s where option # 3 comes in … 90003 90022 90009 Option # 3: Tell A White Lie (I Recommend This) 90010 90023 90002 This option is great if you do not want to tell a flat out lie, but you’re not getting enough interviews telling the truth on your resume. 90003 90002 Here’s what to do … Put your name and phone number on your resume, but do not list an address. Where you’d normally put an address, instead say something like «Relocating to Denver in March 2017». (Replace ‘Denver’ with whichever city the job is in).90003 90002 Using this approach to apply for jobs in a different city or state should get you a higher number of interviews without having to lie about where you currently live. 90003 90002 This is still a bit of a lie, since you’re probably not going to relocate without a job offer, but it’s also quite true- your goal is to find a job in the new city, and your plan is to relocate to that city if you can find a suitable position. 90003 90002 This will get you the greatest number of phone interviews and will keep your resume out of the garbage pile.90003 90002 If you do ask you an interview question about this in the first conversation (they probably will), you can tell them you plan on relocating either way but you are trying to secure a job beforehand. That will put their mind at ease and quickly convince them you’re serious about finding a job in their city. 90003 90022 90009 There’s one potential drawback with this option … 90010 90023 90002 Just like Option # 1, there’s a chance that you could lose out on relocation assistance if you say you’re moving to their city no matter what.90003 90002 It’s not very likely but it’s possible. 90003 90002 With most companies, they’ll still offer to help if it’s a part of their benefits package though. Very few companies will try to weasel out of paying relocation assistance. The ones that do, you probably do not want to work for. 90003 90002 So this method has a lot of potential and very little risk. I recommend giving it a try. 90003 90016 More Tips When Applying for Out of State Jobs: 90017 90002 If you read this article and did not just skip to the bottom, you know the most important thing I recommend on your resume to get more interviews when relocating.90003 90002 But what about the rest of your resume? Here are a couple more tips I recommend: 90003 90090 90031 «Tailor» your resume bullet points to match the job description. If the first responsibility they list is project management, try to make your first bullet in your Work History section be about project management. Do this for the top 2-3 bullets in each job in your Work History section. Even if you’re looking for a job after college and have no work experience, you can mention a project you managed in school.90032 90031 Write great cover letters that are tailored to the company and show them why you want to work in their specific job, and why their city or state interests you as a place you want to live long-term. 90032 90031 Try to use your network to get introduced to companies whenever possible. This is often the fastest way to find a job because companies immediately trust you more when you come recommended. The importance of this becomes even greater in an out-of-state job search where companies really need a reason to consider you over local candidates.90032 90097 90002 Now that you know what to do, you’re ready to start applying for jobs in a different city, state or even country. Use the tips above to get more interviews, and if you have a question on anything we covered, leave a comment below! 90003 90002 90009 UPDATE: 90010 90009 90010 90003 90002 If you’re job searching in a new city, I think you’d love the step-by-step interview guide I just created. Each interview counts for a 90107 lot 90108 when you’re relocating; I’ve done it first-hand and know it’s harder than the typical job search.But it’s still doable! If you want to go into your next interview feeling 100% confident and well-prepared, you’re the type of person I had in mind when I created this guide. You can read about it here. 90003 90002 90003 90112 90009 Like this post? Pin it to save for next time you need it! 90010 90115 90002 90003 90002 90003.90000 20 Must-Have Skills to Put on Your Resume (Soft & Hard Skills) 90001 90002 90002 90004 90005 April 23, 2020 90006 90007 When thinking about which skills to list on your resume, it’s important to know which will be the most important to employers. Here’s how to figure it out. 90008 Save 90004 Writing a good resume is a difficult balancing act.You have to keep your resume length short and sweet, but still include enough quality information to make an impression. 90007 90004 When reviewing your credentials, hiring managers will hold a particular interest in the skills you possess. This means it’s very important to know what is relevant to the job when thinking of the skills to list on your resume. And though it goes without saying, we’ll say it just in case: any skills listed on your resume should be skills you truly possess. 90007 90004 There are endless skills that you can include on any resume, and you have to decide which ones will be the most effective.90007 90004 There are the hard, industry-specific skills, as well as the soft skills that every job demands. So how do you figure out 90016 the best skills to list on your resume? 90017 And what if you’re looking to find a remote job? 90007 90004 «Some 90016 great skills employers love to see on your resume if you are looking for remote work 90017 are: written and verbal communication, the ability to work independently, time and task management, organization, comfort with technology, and specific knowledge of remote communication tools like Zoom, Skype, Dropbox, Google Suite, etc., «Shared Toni Frana, FlexJobs ‘expert career coach. 90007 90004 Let’s take a closer look at the top skills to put on your resume. 90007 90004 90026 90016 Note 90017: FlexJobs is a 90029 90026 subscription service for job seekers 90029 90026 that features flexible and remote jobs. With an A + rating from the 90029 90026 Better Business Bureau 90029 90026, the monthly subscription costs allow us to fully vet and verify all of the 90029 90026 jobs on our site 90029 — 90026 ensuring that customers have a safe and positive job searching experience.90029 90007 90043 Top Skills to Put on Your Resume 90044 90045 Top Soft Skills For Your Resume 90046 90004 There are tons of soft skills that you can include in your resume, but how do you know which ones to include? Here is a quick list of the most important 90016 soft skills you should be using in your resume 90017. 90007 90051 90016 Problem-Solving 90017 90054 90004 No matter what the job is, eventually something will go wrong and employers want to know that you’re capable of coming up with a quick and effective solution.In fact, there are jobs that are essentially nothing but solving problems for the company, the clients, or both. 90007 90051 90016 Critical Thinking 90017 90054 90004 Being able to think rationally and thoughtfully is the basis of critical thinking. Employers want workers who can think through a problem or a project and determine the best steps needed. Critical thinkers come up with new and better ways to work, making it an invaluable skill to put on a resume. 90007 90051 90016 Flexibility 90017 90054 90004 Many organizations and industries covet employees who are dynamic and adaptable to every situation, or who have a natural ability to use a variety of methods and approaches in different circumstances to get the best end result.90007 90051 90016 Communication 90017 90054 90004 Whether it’s written or verbal, being able to communicate with your boss, coworkers, and clients / customers in all situations is very valuable. The better you are at it, the better results you will generate. 90007 90051 90016 Teamwork 90017 90054 90004 Most jobs will sometimes require you to work with other people at some point, and employers want to know that you can succeed in a team environment. Some jobs will prize this skill more than others.90007 90051 90016 Organization 90017 90054 90004 This is not just about having a neat desk, but organizing tasks and projects for your coworkers, management, and at the very least, yourself! If you want to show off your organization skills, having a tightly structured resume certainly helps. 90007 90051 90016 Creativity 90017 90054 90004 Thinking outside of the box and coming up with creative solutions can be a real asset in any role. Perhaps you’re good at thinking about something in a way that has not been done before.Creativity can be shown on your resume through a problem you solved or through a creative skill like writing or design. 90007 90051 90016 Emotional Intelligence 90017 90054 90004 According to Psychology Today, «Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.» In the workplace, this means you’re rational and even-keeled, and can handle ups and downs without losing control. While this is important for everybody, it’s a must-have skill to include on a resume for management.90007 90051 90016 Attention to Detail 90017 90054 90004 On the job you need to ensure you follow all instructions in order to complete your work. This can be especially important when you work with others. Paying attention to detail will be needed at any role you have. Consider times when you caught or fixed a potential mistake due to your attention to detail. 90007 90051 90016 Responsibility 90017 90054 90004 Part of being a good employee is taking responsibility for your duties and even owning up to mistakes.Most managers do not want to have to check in on their employees to ensure every part of their job is getting done. Responsibility means do what you need to do to complete your tasks. 90007 90045 Top Hard Skills For Your Resume 90046 90004 Hard skills tend to be more technical, and each industry or type of job will usually have its own required set. Finding out what range of hard skills you’ll be expected to have in your field might require some research. Here are some hard skills that tend to be idealized by many industries.90007 90051 90016 Computer Software and Application Knowledge 90017 90054 90004 The list of professions that does not require you to use computers and certain types of software is very short. You could very likely break up «computer skills» into two or three specific technical proficiencies for your field. 90007 90051 90016 Design 90017 90054 90004 Aside from the obvious professions like graphic or web design, there are jobs in marketing, advertising, branding, engineering, and construction that require some type of design skills-even if it’s only for drawing up presentations.90007 90051 90016 Data Analysis 90017 90054 90004 Big Data is very in vogue right now, and there are a lot of jobs out there where you will be called upon to analyze metrics and extrapolate a practical use from it, making it an extremely valuable skill to put on your resume. 90007 90051 90016 Negotiation 90017 90054 90004 There are many jobs that involve selling a product or service, purchasing stock or merchandise, brokering deals for production or transportation, establishing partnerships for advertising or investments, and so on.90007 90051 90016 Mathematics 90017 90054 90004 Finance, business, engineering, construction, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and operations will require you to be competent with math in some capacity. If you’re in a profession that is more math-heavy, consider splitting it up into a few more specific skills areas. 90007 90051 90016 Project Management 90017 90054 90004 Many jobs will require project management skills. The ability to manage your task flow and complete assignments on time is part of project management.Perhaps you have used project management software in the past or have completed a project early-these all show good project management. 90007 90051 90016 Marketing 90017 90054 90004 Marketing involves selling and promoting products and services. Even if you’re not a marketer per se, many companies may desire this hard skill. Knowing the highlights and benefits of your company’s products and services, and being able to speak or write about them, can be valuable to many different jobs. If you have specific marketing or social media experience, even better.90007 90051 90016 Administrative 90017 90054 90004 Even if your job is not administrative in nature, it’s likely a part of your role. Administrative skills involve the things you do to manage your role: organizing, planning, scheduling, writing emails, managing files, etc. Employers want to know you’re able to take hold of the details. 90007 90051 90016 Writing 90017 90054 90004 Many jobs involve writing. Whether it’s to clients or coworkers, having a basic writing ability is necessary and an absolute skill to put on your resume.Emails filled with typos and grammatical errors will not reflect well on you, and poor tone can send the wrong message. Demonstrate this skill through your cover letter and emails with the recruiter, and list any specific writing-heavy projects you’ve completed. 90007 90051 90016 Foreign Languages 90017 90054 90004 Being bilingual can be a great hard skill and set you apart from your competition. Even if a role or company does not initially have a need for a bilingual employee, they may look favorably on your ability.It is common to need someone with fluency in another language to help customers or clients, so play up this skill on your resume. 90007 90043 Look for Target Keywords 90044 90004 If you’re still not sure if any of these skills are right for your situation, one quick way to check which skills the employer is seeking is to check the job description. 90007 90004 Read through it a few times and you’ll likely spot three or four key skills mentioned several times throughout the document. If that’s the case, you should do your best to focus on those skills in your resume, too.90007 90043 How to Organize the Skills Section on Your Resume 90044 90045 90016 Sort by relevance. 90017 90046 90004 If you are applying for a sales job, your prior experience as a car mechanic is not the most relevant. You will want to emphasize experience that can be applicable to a sales role. However, if you lack the experience, search through your existing positions for key skills that can be relevant. 90007 90004 For example, if you were responsible for providing customer service as a mechanic, that is something that can act as an interchangeable skill to a sales role.90007 90045 Add a highlights section. 90046 90004 Modern resumes are built to be value-oriented, which requires providing information that is more achievement-based as opposed to task-based. If you’ve had multiple roles with varying achievements, select the top four you are most proud of and incorporate them into a Career Highlights section. 90007 90004 Try to avoid adding more than four as this section is meant to be the highlights of your achievements, and you do not want to create sections with long lists of bullets, creating a very boring way to read content.90007 90045 Categorize by skill. 90046 90004 If you are higher up in your career level, you likely have multiple responsibilities that cross several platforms or departments. If you are a manager or director of operations at a company, your responsibilities may include: managing staff, maintaining smooth daily operations, communicating with key stakeholders and / or vendors, developing and managing projects, and hiring and training staff. 90007 90004 With either your task-based information or achievements, you can categorize the content into sections to illustrate the diversity in your responsibilities.90007 90004 90016 For example: 90017 90007 90207 90208 90016 Process Improvements: 90017 information of responsibilities and / or achievements that relate to creating and implementing processes to improve operational efficiencies. 90211 90208 90016 Customer Service: 90017 content that illustrates how you maintain or improve the customer experience at your company. 90211 90208 90016 Change Management: 90017 information that can relate to restructuring staff, developing training programs for employees, and coaching individuals or groups on company best practices.90211 90220 90004 Your soft skills and hard skills are the very things that will either 90016 qualify you or disqualify you for a job 90017. Be sure to include some of these top skills on your resume for maximum results. 90007 90043 Perfecting Your Resume 90044 90004 If you need additional 90016 help in determining what your best skills are 90017, consider signing up for FlexJobs ‘career coaching. Members get a discounted rate to help them put their best foot forward in their job search.Or, if you’re ready to put the finishing touches and begin searching for a remote job, check out our listings! Our database updates daily with flexible job postings in more than 50 categories! 90007 90051 CONNECT TO FLEXIBLE JOBS TODAY >