Теоретически (то есть по существу, а не как идеологические штампы) все три названных понятия на самом деле лежат немного в разных плоскостях, поэтому их «сильные стороны» относительны – примерно как «плюсы и минусы» оружия холодного и огнестрельного, или интерфейса текстового и графического.
Капитализм, то есть рыночная экономика, сложился постепенно исторически, и не было какой-то единой самостоятельной идеологии, которая называлась бы «капитализм» и призывала его строить. А были например либеральные учения о неприкосновенности частной собственности, но это всё появлялось уже как отражение существующей экономической практики, а не было «проектом будущего». «Проектами будущего» в Новое время были утопии (Компанелло, Томас Мор, Сен Симон, Оуэн и др.) – т.е. фантазии, каким могло бы быть совершенное, справедливо устроенное общество. Первой утопией называют «Государство» Платона, слово «утопия» придумал Мор; а уже в XIX веке Маркс создал формационную теорию экономического прогресса человечества и подвёл под идею «светлого будущего» научное (по крайней мере, он так полагал) обоснование – именно в этой теории появились как таковые «капитализм», «социализм» и «коммунизм». Капитализм здесь стал обозначать «этап социально-экономического развития», следующий за феодализмом (подробнее см. Общественно-экономическая формация, Марксизм), а «коммунизм» – такое обозначение получило ГИПОТЕТИЧЕСКОЕ БУДУЩЕЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА, в котором противопоставление человека и власти исчезнет, таким образом ИСЧЕЗНЕТ как таковое и ГОСУДАРСТВО, всё необходимое будет производиться в достатке и распределяться по разумным потребностям, человек будет занят саморазвитием и творчеством. В качестве переходной к коммунизму формы мыслится «социализм» – то есть государство пока не упраздняется, а напротив усиливается, берёт на себя ответственность за развитие и защиту граждан.
Заметим, что, согласно диалектике, переход между формациями происходит постепенно, предпосылки и условия для новой формы созревают и накапливаются внутри формы старой – поэтому когда происходят революции (строго говоря, конкретно революции не обязательны), они лишь внешне фиксируют и оформляют те изменения, которые фактически уже произошли в ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ.
Таким образом, главное отличие в том, что капитализм складывается стихийно – как равнодействующая сумма частных интересов хозяйствующих индивидуальных субъектов – а коммунизм приходится СТРОИТЬ – то есть усилием сознания и воли. При этом «строительство коммунизма» выступает как теоретическое движение к далёкой цели, а социализм – как конкретная практика разумных, осмысленных справедливых преобразований в том обществе, которое есть в наличии.
Поэтому говоря о «плюсах и минусах» капитализма и социализма, мы не сравниваем эти понятия как таковые (они несравнимы), а лишь обсуждаем какие-то конкретные меры в конкретной ситуации – что́ должна была бы поддержать власть в данный конкретный момент в данной стране в текущих условиях.
Сравнить эффективность экономики капиталистической и социалистической в чистых экспериментальных условиях не представляется возможным, потому что на практике мы имеем конкретную исторически обусловленную ситуацию, конкретных людей, предприятия, ценности, законодательство (по сути, весь мир сейчас в переходной от капитализма к социализму форме), а конкуренция между государствами определяется политическими (историческими) соображениями. Но в теории при прочих равных – социалистическое общество не только справедливее, но и экономически эффективнее любого капиталистического.
Плюсы капитализма в том, что он естественен и может достаточно быстро удовлетворить основные потребности, но минус в том, что производится не то, что полезно, а то, что приносит прибыль, особенно быструю, поэтому мало думают о дальних последствиях и постоянно придумывают и рекламируют новые потребности, которые рассеивают жизнь человека. Плюсы социализма в том, что человеку не приходится постоянно думать о выживании, а он может заниматься саморазвитием, но минус в том, что для его реализации нужно много образованных и идеологически сознательных кадров, централизованные системы планирования не всегда могут быстро реагировать на меняющуюся ситуацию. В то же время именно социализм создаёт централизованные системы реагирования, такие как МЧС или всеобщая система здравоохранения – так например коронакризис показал эффективность нашей массовой медицины, базовая структура которой была построена как раз при советском строе.
Кредиты пенсионерам в Ивантеевке — какие банки дают работающим и неработающим пенсионерам кредиты в Ивантеевке
Кредиты для пенсионеров в Ивантеевке
Всем известно, что получить кредит наличными в Ивантеевке пенсионерам можно в одном из отделений местных крупных финансовых учреждений. Главное отличие – это предлагаемые условия:
размеры процентных ставок;
возрастные ограничения для кредитополучателей;
верхний предел суммы кредитных средств;
сроки погашения.
Потребительский кредит для пенсионеров Ивантеевки
В текущем году, не составляет труда взять кредит пенсионеру в Ивантеевке – следует держать в голове тот факт, что каждый месяц придется отдавать весомую часть дохода на его погашение. Чтобы не прогадать и получить кредит пенсионерам в банке Ивантеевки, целесообразно потратить время на анализ существующих предложений от государственных и коммерческих структур, учитывая специфику работы каждой из них.
В любом случае, безупречная кредитная история, дополнительные источники дохода, состоятельный родственник-поручитель или ценное залоговое имущество – это весомые факторы, которые заметно повышают шансы на получение пенсионного кредита. А чтобы пройти регистрацию заявления и дождаться одобрения без визита в офис банка, можно отправить онлайн заявку на кредит в Ивантеевке.
Какая самая низкая ставка в Ивантеевке на июль 2020
Ставки по кредитам пенсионерам начинаются от 7.1%.
Сколько сейчас кредитов предлагают банки?
Банки Ивантеевки предлагают 36 пенсионных кредитов, здесь вы можете изучить условия по каждому продукту и выбрать самый выгодный.
Как выбрать кредит пенсионерам в Ивантеевке?
Изучите предложения банков, которые можно получить без отказа, справок, только по паспорту. Обращайте внимание на:
сумму переплаты,
наличие комиссий.
Дополнительная информация по кредитам в Ивантеевке
В каком банке можно взять кредит пенсионеру?
Достигнув пенсионного возраста и выйдя на пенсию, человек к сожалению не перестаёт испытывать всякого рода финансовые затруднения. Сделать ремонт в квартире, приобрести автомобиль или дачный домик, для этого необходимы немалые деньги. И тут встаёт вопрос в каком банке можно взять кредит пенсионеру?
При большом количестве банков как государственной собственности так и коммерческих, далеко не все готовы дать кредит пенсионеру. Чтобы облегчить поиск необходимых банков для получения кредита на просторах интернета в рамках этой статьи собрана подборка необходимых финансовых учреждений.
Рефинансирование кредитов для пенсионеров
Для вас подобран топ банков с лучшими условиями. Эти банки дают возможность рефинансировать пенсионерам любые потребительские, ипотечные и автокредиты на выгодных условиях. Рефинансировать ранее взятые кредиты могут как работающие так и неработающие пенсионеры.
Проценты, %
Срок, мес
Сумма, руб
Возраст, лет
Доп. информация
100 000-2 000 000
100 000-1 600 000
50 000-3 000 000
В таблице подобраны банки которые выдают кредиты с минимальным процентом отказа. Получить заёмные средства можно не выходя из дома. Для этого переходите по ссылке интересуещего вас банка и заполняйте заявку на оформление кредита. Одобрение происходит как правило в течении 30 минут. После одобрения кредита вы можете получить деньги наличными или на вашу карту.
Документы для оформления кредита
Для того, чтобы получить кредит пенсионеру в Росбанке необходимо предоставить лишь паспорт гражданина РФ. Также необходима постоянная прописка.
Как быстро принимается решение по выдаче кредита. Как правило, решение банк принимает в течении двух дней.
Кредитные средства можно использовать абсолютно на любые цели.
Есть возможность досрочного погашения кредита без штрафных санкций.
Кредитополучатель может выбрать сам дату ежемесячного погашения кредита.
Какие банки дают кредиты пенсионерам с низкой процентной ставкой можно посмотреть здесь
Перечень необходимых документов
Паспорт РФ с пропиской, пенсионное удостоверение.
Главные преимущества банка
Низкая процентная ставка.
Срок рассмотрения заявки на получение кредита в СКБ банке до 2 дней.
Кредитополучатель может погасить кредит в любой момент без штрафных санкций.
Где взять кредит пенсионерам без справок и поручителей смотрите здесь
Требования к заёмщику
Паспорт гражданина РФ и постоянная регистрация на территории России.
Особенности кредита
Без поручительства.
Выбор схемы погашения кредита.
Используйте кредит в Россельхозбанк на любые нужды.
Кредиты неработающим пенсионерам выдают следующие банки
Необходимые документы
Паспорт гражданина России и пенсионное удостоверение.
Преимущества кредитования в Совкомбанке
Оформление кредита и обслуживание для пенсионеров без очереди.
Кредит в Совкомбанке выдают даже неработающим пенсионерам.
Без залога и поручительства.
Банки предоставляющие кредиты пенсионерам старше 70 лет
Тинькофф банк
Документы пенсионера для получения кредита
Паспорт РФ.
Главные отличия кредита
Без справок, поручителей и залога.
Рассмотрение заявки в Тинькофф банк в течении одного дня.
Доставка кредита на карте курьером банка на дом.
Хоум Кредит Банк
Документы для получения кредита
Необходим паспорт гражданина России.
Моментальное решение по вопросу кредитования.
Оформление онлайн без посещения банка.
Получение кредитных средств в Хоум Кредит Банк без каких либо комиссий.
Если получаете пенсию в Сбербанке понадобится лишь паспорт.
Решение по выдаче кредита в Сбербанке за 2 минуты.
Обеспечение кредита не нужно.
Возраст на момент полного погашения кредита не должен превышать 65 лет.
Почта Банк
Какие нужны документы
Пенсионеру для получения кредита необходим паспорт РФ.
Преимущества банка
Без справки о доходах.
Решение по кредиту в Почта банке за одну минуту.
Есть возможность получить льготный кредит.
Кредиты пенсионерам в Сланцах — какие банки дают работающим и неработающим пенсионерам кредиты в Сланцах
Кредиты для пенсионеров в Сланцах
Всем известно, что получить кредит наличными в Сланцах пенсионерам можно в одном из отделений местных крупных финансовых учреждений. Главное отличие – это предлагаемые условия:
размеры процентных ставок;
возрастные ограничения для кредитополучателей;
верхний предел суммы кредитных средств;
сроки погашения.
Потребительский кредит для пенсионеров Сланцев
В текущем году, не составляет труда взять кредит пенсионеру в Сланцах – следует держать в голове тот факт, что каждый месяц придется отдавать весомую часть дохода на его погашение. Чтобы не прогадать и получить кредит пенсионерам в банке Сланцев, целесообразно потратить время на анализ существующих предложений от государственных и коммерческих структур, учитывая специфику работы каждой из них.
В любом случае, безупречная кредитная история, дополнительные источники дохода, состоятельный родственник-поручитель или ценное залоговое имущество – это весомые факторы, которые заметно повышают шансы на получение пенсионного кредита. А чтобы пройти регистрацию заявления и дождаться одобрения без визита в офис банка, можно отправить онлайн заявку на кредит в Сланцах.
Какая самая низкая ставка в Сланцах на июль 2020
Ставки по кредитам пенсионерам начинаются от 6.5%.
Сколько сейчас кредитов предлагают банки?
Банки Сланцев предлагают 31 пенсионных кредитов, здесь вы можете изучить условия по каждому продукту и выбрать самый выгодный.
Как выбрать кредит пенсионерам в Сланцах?
Изучите предложения банков, которые можно получить без отказа, справок, только по паспорту. Обращайте внимание на:
сумму переплаты,
наличие комиссий.
Дополнительная информация по кредитам в Сланцах
90000 How to get a credit card when retired or on a pension 90001
90002 Being self-employed, retired or on a pension does not mean you can not access credit. But do your research before applying for a card: You may be required to meet other terms and conditions and provide additional documents. 90003 90002 We’ve made a list of providers that accept retired applicants, as well as the documents you’ll need to improve your chances of approval. 90003 90002 Applying for a seniors ‘card often requires the same information — including credit score and credit history — as a standard credit card application.Here are the detailed requirements from the most popular credit card providers. 90003 90008 90009 90010 90011 Amex 90012 90011 90014 90015 90016 Retired and pension: 90017 Yes. Social Security number, address, total annual income including pension, a prior American Express account, credit history and a contact number. The credit card department may reach out directly through email or phone for extra information. 90018 90019 90012 90021 90010 90011 Citi 90012 90011 90014 90015 90028 Retired and pension: 90029 Yes.Social Security number, a written application or invitation, address, email, contact number and total annual income including pension. 90018 90019 90012 90021 90010 90011 Barclays 90012 90011 90014 90015 90028 Retired and pension: 90029 Yes. Application form, Social Security number or ID, total annual income including pension, contact number and email. The credit card department may reach out directly through email or phone for extra information. 90018 90019 90012 90021 90010 90011 Chase 90012 90011 90014 90015 90028 Retired and pension: 90029 Yes.Name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and an ID document. 90018 90019 90012 90021 90010 90011 TD Bank 90012 90011 90014 90015 90028 Retired and pension: 90029 Yes. Application form, total annual income including pension, address, Social Security number, email and contact number. 90018 90019 90012 90021 90010 90011 Wells Fargo 90012 90011 90014 90015 90028 Retired and pension: 90029 Yes. Application form, address, Social Security number or ID, permanent citizenship, good credit score and total annual income including pension.The credit card department may reach out directly through email or phone for extra info 90018 90019 90012 90021 90082 90083.90000 Guidelines for Pensioners — Pensioners Portal 90001
90002 Submission of Claims: 90003
90004 Ensure to submit your claims in the prescribed proforma
for grant of pension / gratuity / commutation / revision to
your Head of Office atleast six months before the date of your retirement
that the Pension Payment Order (PPO) reaches you through your Head
of Office before your retirement.
Remember that the processing, verification and authorization
of these claims may involve several levels and one or more offices
which require sufficient time and effort to be accurate.
90002 Verification
of PPO: 90003
90004 As soon as you receive your PPO, please verify the pensionary
awards notified in the PPO for their correctness as per extant
rules.In case of any
correction (s) required in the PPO, please contact your Head of
Office / Pension Disbursing Agency for necessary action in this
90002 Physically
Disabled / Mentally Retarded Children: 90003 90005
90004 If you have any physically disabled or mentally retarded
child / children, please ensure that his / their
details are furnished to your Head of Office for
making an endorsement in your service and pension record
and obtain an acknowledgement of this
90002 Transfer
of Pension Account: 90003 90005
If you desire to draw your pension from another paying agency, make
a request to your current Pension Disbursing Agency (PDA) for
transfer of your pension account
the PDA from where you
now wish to draw your pension.
90002 Restoration
of Commuted Pension: 90003
90004 Commuted portion of your pension can be restored on completion of 15
years from the date of receipt of the commuted value of your
pension. In case the same has not been restored, contact your P.D.A./pension paying bank.
90002 Commutation
of Pension: 90003 90005
90004 Commuted
portion of pension is required to be reduced from pension from the
date of payment of the commuted value of the pension or after three
months from the date of issue of PPO or from the date, capitalized
sum is credited to the pensioners account.
If the commuted portion of pension is not reduced as above,
bring this to the notice of your PDA immediately to avoid a heavy
recovery later.
90002 Nomination
for Life Time Arrears: 90003
Please ensure to nominate the person to whom you want to
authorize Life Time Arrears (LTA) on your demise.
The nomination form should be submitted to your PDA.
You can also change the nomination by submitting a change
nomination form to your PDA to avoid any hardship to your nominee in
receiving the amount of LTA.
90002 Loss
of PPO: 90003
90004 Notify your PDA immediately if your PPO is lost.
You should also request him to furnish a loss certificate to
the concerned authority to obtain a duplicate copy of PPO.
90002 Annual
Life Certificate: 90003
90004 For annual life certificate, you should appear before
your PDA in the month of November every year.
In case, you are unable to appear due to bodily illness or
infirmity, you can submit your life certificate duly authenticated by any of the specified authorities. You also have option to submit your digital life certificate using your Aadhar card based
authentication through Jeewan Pramaan.
In case of NRI pensioners / family pensioners who are unable to come to India for personal identification may be allowed pension / family pension on the basis of a certificate
to be issued by an authorised official of the India Embassy / High Commission of India or Consul of India consulate in the country where the pensioner is residing.This certificate is to be issued
on verification of Pensioner / Family Pensioner on the basis of photograph pasted on Passport or any other such document.
Otherwise, the pension may be stopped.
90002 Commercial
Employment after Retirement: 90003 90005
Ensure to obtain prior permission from the competent authority for
accepting any commercial employment within one year of your
90002 Post-retirement
Conviction / Imprisonment: 90003
90004 If a pensioner is convicted or sentenced to imprisonment by a
Court, his pension will be suspended.
In the event of conviction / imprisonment by a court of law,
full facts of the case should be reported to your PDA / Head of
90002 Changes
in the family after discharge from service: 90003
90004 Post discharge changes in the details of your family arising
out of your marriage or children born to you after your retirement
should be intimated to your Head of Office with full details and
relevant certificates.Also
ensure that a joint notification of your family pension is done by
pursuing the matter with your Head of Office.
90002 Re-employment
of pensioners: 90003
90004 In case of re-employment in any Central or State Government
/ Autonomous bodies / Public Sector Undertakings, please submit the
full facts of the same to your PDA immediately after its occurrence.
In case of non-reemployment, a declaration to this effect
should be given to your PDA periodically (once
in a year in the month of May positively).
90002 Payment
of pension through Authorised Banks 90003:
90004 Pension can not be paid in cash.
Hence open an individual
savings / current account in your name preferably joint account with
your spouse, if the spouses name is notified for family pension
in the PPO, in any of
the branches of the Authorized Banks and furnish the details of the
same to your Head of Office so that pension can be credited to your
bank account.
90002 Court
Attachment 90003: 90005
90004 Pension,
whether due or to become due, is free from attachment from any court
until it has actually been paid as per the Pension Act.
No pensioner can assign or sell any interest in respect of
the pension not then due.
90002 Receipt
of Two Pensions 90003: 90005
If you are in receipt of more than one pension, you should furnish
full details to your PDA for revision of both the pensions and
regulating dearness relief thereon.90005
90002 Submission
of Periodic Certificates 90003: 90005
90004 Submit
periodic certificates regarding re-employment / employment,
remarriage / marriage to your PDA on due dates in order to regulate
your pension correctly.
90002 Missing
Pensioner 90003: 90005
90004 If
a pensioner is found missing, his family should lodge an F.I.R. with
the police authorities. If
the pensioner is not traced by six months, a certificate should be
obtained from the police authorities to this effect, and the matter
should be reported to PDA, along with the submission of an Indemnity
Bond so that the matter could be pursued with the concerned
authorities for sanction of family pension from the date of lodging
the F.I.R ..
90002 Arrear
of Pension 90003: 90005
90004 If
the pension is not drawn for more than a year, for any reason, it
becomes time-barred and would require the sanction of the competent
arrear claim should be submitted in the prescribed form to your PDA
with explanation for delay, non-reemployment and non-conviction
certificates for obtaining the sanction for payment of the arrears.
90002 Non-Resident
Indian (NRI) Pensioners 90003: 90005
90004 The
NRI Pensioners should open an ordinary
non resident bank account in any scheduled bank in
India as per the provision of the exchange control.They should
also submit life certificate and nationality certificate as
prescribed to enable the credit of pension amount due to them in to
their accounts. 90005
90002 90122 Click
here 90123 90003 for Guidelines for Defence Pensioners
90005.90000 Occupational pensions 90001
90002 Rules 90003 90004 There is no legal obligation on employers to provide
occupational pension schemes for employees. However, more and more employers
are putting schemes in place and there is positive government encouragement to
do so. 90005 90006 Occupational pensions 90007 90004 An occupational pension is one that is provided by an employer. They are
also known as company or employers ‘pension plans. Occupational pension
schemes provide a regular income after retirement.Some also provide a lump sum
payment on retirement. 90005 90006 Types of occupational pensions 90007 90004 Occupational pension schemes may be contributory or non-contributory, funded
or unfunded, defined benefit, defined contribution or hybrid of both defined
benefit and defined contribution. 90005 90004 In contributory schemes, both you and your employer pay contributions
towards the scheme. 90005 90004 In non-contributory schemes, you do not contribute but your employer
does. 90005 90006 Funded schemes 90007 90004 Virtually all occupational schemes are funded — the contributions are put
into a designated fund and the benefits are paid from that fund.The most
notable exception is the public service pension arrangement where there is no
fund and benefits are paid out of current government funds. 90005 90004 A National Pensions Reserve Fund (NPRF) has been established to provide a
fund that can be drawn upon for future payments of public service and social
welfare pensions. This is different from funded pension schemes. In a funded
scheme, you are a member of the scheme and you have a direct interest in the
fund. You have no direct claim on the NPRF.90005 90006 Defined benefit schemes 90007 90004 A defined benefit scheme is one where the benefit entitlement is defined in
some way by reference to your earnings, your length of service, an index or a
fixed amount. So, you know in advance that your pension will be, for example,
half of your final salary if you have 40 years service or that it will be a
certain amount each week. In defined benefit schemes, the contributions may
have to be varied from time to time in order to make sure that the fund can
meet the level of benefits.Some schemes have provisions for the employer to
top up the fund if necessary. 90005 90028 Limit on overall value of fund 90029 90004 The Finance Act 2006 introduced a limit on the value of an individual’s
pension fund which may attract tax relief and this may vary from year to year.
This is called the Standard Fund Threshold. From 1 January 2014 the absolute
value of the Standard Fund Threshold has been € 2 million. If the fund is
greater than the limit then tax at 40% will be charged on the excess when it is
drawn down from the fund.90005 90028 Rules on wind-up of defined benefit schemes 90029 90004 Since December 2013 the rules about the distribution of assets in defined
benefit pension schemes which are being wound up have changed. When a defined
benefit pension scheme is being wound up, its assets are distributed in a
specific order of priority. If the scheme is fully funded then all liabilities
are met. If the pension scheme is underfunded or insolvent, then people with a
lower order of priority do not get what they expected from the scheme.90005 90004 The rules which apply to the winding up of schemes since December 2013
reduce the rights of current pensioners and improve the priority given to
future pensioners. These new rules differ depending on whether or not the
employer is solvent. 90005 90004 90039 Single insolvency order — If the employer is solvent 90040 90005 90004 This order applies to cases where the pension scheme is insolvent but the
employer is solvent. The first priority is additional voluntary contributions
and defined contribution benefits.90005 90004 The second priority is the pensions payable to current pensioners but there
are now limits on the amounts to which priority is attached as follows: 90005
90047 The first € 12,000 annually of pension 90048
90047 90% of pensions between € 12,000 and € 60,000 with a minimum of
€ 12,000 90048
90047 80% of pensions over € 60,000 with a minimum of € 54,000 90048
90053 90004 The next priority is 50% of the pensions of future pensioners. After that,
the priority is: 90005
90047 The remaining pension of current pensioners 90048
90047 Remaining pensions of future pensioners 90048
90047 Any other remaining benefits 90048
90053 90004 This means that existing pensioners could have their current pensions
reduced.Pensions under € 12,000 may not be reduced. The maximum reduction is
then 10% of pensions under € 60,000 (but they can not be reduced to less than
€ 12,000) and 20% of pensions over € 60,000. 90005 90004 90039 Double insolvency order — Employer insolvent 90040 90005 90004 The priority in the winding up of a defined benefit pension scheme in cases
where the employer is insolvent is as follows: 90005
90047 Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) and defined contribution
benefits 90048
90047 50% of current pensioner and future pensioner benefits 90048
90047 Pensioner benefits up to € 12,000 a year 90048
90047 Remaining benefits for current pensioners 90048
90047 Remaining benefits for future pensioners 90048
90083 90004 Where the scheme does not have enough funds to pay 50% of pensioner and
future pensioner benefits and pensioner benefits up to € 12,000 a year, the
Minister for Finance must provide the necessary funding.90005 90006 Defined contribution scheme 90007 90004 A defined contribution scheme is one where the contribution is fixed by
agreement but the benefits are based on the value of the fund built up from the
contributions. The value of the fund may vary over time. This means that you do
not know what level of pension you will get. 90005 90004 Both you and your employer must pay regular contributions, normally set at a
fixed percentage of your salary (for example, 4%). This money creates a pension
fund, which is normally invested to ensure that its real value is not reduced
by inflation.90005 90004 Your pension fund at retirement may be worth less than the total value of
your contributions, because: 90005
90047 Investment performance may fall as well as rise 90048
90047 Management fees are payable to the person or company managing the pension
fund 90048
90053 90006 Hybrid schemes 90007 90004 Occupational pension schemes can offer aspects of both defined benefit and
defined contribution schemes. This means that you can predict a certain amount
of income, as in a defined benefit scheme, whereas the remainder will vary as
it will be subject to defined contribution rules.90005 90006 Occupational pensions and social welfare pensions 90007 90004 Occupational and personal pensions operate independently of the social
welfare pension system (Social welfare pensions include contributory
and non-contributory
pensions) and there is no statutory link between the two. However, it is common
for occupational pensions to take into account the level of social welfare
pension received in calculating the level of benefit. For example, some schemes
provide for a benefit, which, together with the social welfare pension, will
give you a half or two-thirds of your final salary.This may be done when you
start to receive your pension but your occupational pension may not be
subsequently reduced because your social welfare pension is increased. 90005 90004 Such schemes are sometimes called integrated or co-ordinated schemes. 90005 90006 Personal pensions 90007 90004 You may prefer not to join an occupational pension scheme, or you may not
have the option to do so (for example, if you are self-employed or your
employer does not offer such a scheme). In these cases, you can save for
retirement by choosing a different type of pension plan.These are normally
known as personal pension plans or private pension plans and are managed by a
life assurance or investment company. 90005 90004 The two main types of personal pension plan are Personal Retirement Savings
Account (PRSA) and Retirement Annuity Contract (RAC). 90005 90004 If your employer offers a PRSA rather than an occupational pension, they
must deduct contributions from your salary and send these payments to the PRSA
provider. The employer may also contribute to the PRSA but has no obligation to
do so.90005 90004 You can be a member of an occupational pension scheme and also arrange a
personal pension. However, it may not be possible to avail of the tax benefits
in respect of both. You can not contribute to an occupational pension scheme
and a personal pension arrangement at the same time in relation to the same
employment. However, you can make a personal pension arrangement in respect of
earnings from another employment or from self-employment. 90005 90004 You can read more information in our documents on personal
pensions and PRSAs.90005 90006 Tax relief on pension contributions 90007 90004 If you are a member of an approved pension scheme, you can get tax relief at
your highest rate on your contributions to the scheme. There are various rules
that pension schemes must meet in order to get the tax relief and there is a
limit to the amount of the relief. However, you pay PRSI
and the Universal Social
Charge on your pension contributions. 90005 90004 The maximum pension contributions, in any one year, for which you are
entitled to tax relief, is related to your age and is expressed as a percentage
of your gross income.The maximum gross income figure for relief purposes is
€ 115,000. The percentage relief limits are: 90005 90128
90131 90039 Age 90040 90134
90131 90039 Limited to 90040 90134
90131 under 30 years 90134
90131 15% of * net relevant earnings 90134
90131 30-39 years 90134
90131 20% of * net relevant earnings 90134
90131 40-49 years 90134
90131 25% of * net relevant earnings 90134
90131 50-54 years 90134
90131 30% of * net relevant earnings 90134
90131 55-59 years 90134
90131 35% of * net relevant earnings 90134
90131 60 years plus 90134
90131 40% of * net relevant earnings 90134
90177 90004 * For employees, 90179 earnings 90180 means gross pay for tax purposes.For the
self-employed, 90179 earnings 90180 means net relevant earnings, that is, earnings
less allowable expenses. 90005 90004 You pay tax on the pension when you receive it. 90005 90004 90039 Tax payable on lump sums at retirement 90040 90005 90004 When you retire, you can usually take part of your pension fund as a
tax-free lump sum. The amount you can take depends on the type of pension plan
you have and how much you have taken in tax-free lump sums from other pension
plans. 90005 90004 90193 There is a limit of € 200,000 on the amount of the
tax-free retirement lump sum.Lump sum payments are taxed as follows: 90005 90195
90200 90039 Amount of lump sum 90040 90134
90200 90039 Income tax rate 90040 90134
90200 Up to € 200,000 90134
90200 0% 90134
90200 € 200,001 — € 500,000 90134
90200 20% 90134
90200 Over € 500,000 90134
90200 Taxpayer’s marginal rate 90134
90177 90004 The maximum tax-free lump sum payment from an occupational pension is 1½
times your final salary and this amount is dependent on having a certain number
of years ‘service.The maximum that can be taken as a tax-free lump sum from
an RAC or PRSA is 25% of the fund. 90005 90006 Tax payable on regular pension income 90007 90004 In general, regular income arising from pensions in Ireland is subject to
taxation. For more information on the way in which pension income is taxed see
our document on taxation
of pensions. 90005 90006 The Pensions Authority 90007 90004 The Pensions Authority is the regulatory body for occupational pensions.
Occupational pension schemes are obliged to register with the Authority.You
can find more information in our document on the
Pensions Authority. 90005 90006 Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman 90007 90004 The Financial Services and Pensions
Ombudsman is the body responsible for dealing with complaints against
pension providers and regulated financial service providers. 90005 90004 For more information read our document on making
a complaint about your pension. 90005 90006 Your rights as a pension scheme member 90007 90004 The Pensions Authority has produced a number of leaflets on the operation of
the Pensions Act.It provides information to members of pension schemes about
their rights under the legislation. If you have a complaint, the Authority will
advise you about your rights. 90005 90004 If necessary, the Authority has extensive powers to inspect the scheme’s
books and records, to enter premises and to require people to give
explanations. It may apply to the High Court to have pension scheme trustees
replaced in order to protect the interests of the members. 90005 90004 Among the more important rights you have as a member of a pension scheme
are: 90005 90004 90039 The right to information 90040 90005 90004 The trustees of the scheme must provide information to members, prospective
members, their spouses, people entitled or prospectively entitled to benefits
under the scheme and to representatives of trade unions.90005 90004 You are entitled to get information about the scheme, about how it is
administered, what rights you have and what obligations you have. The trustees
are obliged to tell you if more than 5% of the scheme’s assets are invested in
the employer’s business or in any one investment. 90005 90004 90039 The right to be involved in the scheme 90040 90005 90004 In certain cases, you are entitled to be involved in the selection of
trustees. This is the case if your scheme has 50 or more qualified members or
12 or more qualified members of a directly invested scheme.A qualified member
is a member of the scheme currently in employment or a pensioner, but does not
include a member who is covered only for death in service or a non-member (e.g.
a dependant) who is receiving benefits from the scheme. 90005 90004 Members can elect half the total number of trustees (excluding the
chairperson), subject to a minimum of two. 90005 90006 Rules about pension schemes 90007 90004 Pension schemes can, to a considerable extent, set their own rules about
contributions and benefits.There are some rules set out in legislation to
which they must adhere. 90005 90006 Preservation and Transfer of Benefits 90007 90004 There are specific rules about what happens if you leave the pension scheme
for whatever reason, for example, if you change jobs or you become
self-employed or retire early without a pension. Your benefits from the pension
scheme may be preserved within the scheme or transferred to another scheme. If
you have at least 2 years service, you are entitled to a preserved benefit if
you leave before the normal retirement age.A preserved benefit means that you
get a pension when you reach the scheme’s normal retirement age. 90005 90004 Alternatively, you can ask the trustees to transfer your pension rights to a
new pension scheme. 90005 90004 You can find out more about the preservation
and transfer of benefits. 90005 90006 Funding standards 90007 90004 The trustees are obliged to meet the minimum standards of funding for funded
occupational schemes. 90005 90006 Providing for dependants 90007 90004 Pension schemes usually have benefits for you when you retire and for your
widowed spouse and dependent children after your death.Not all schemes have
arrangements for dependants. 90005 90004 The maximum benefit that can be provided for a spouse or dependent is now
100% of the pension. 90005 90004 Some schemes may allow you to designate the person who should benefit under
the scheme so it is possible, in some cases, to nominate a person other than a
spouse. 90005 90006 Occupational pensions in separation and divorce 90007 90004 If you and your spouse separate or divorce, it may affect pension
entitlements arising from occupational or personal pension arrangements.90005 90004 You can find out more in our document on how
pensions are assessed during a separation / divorce / dissolution. 90005
.90000 Pensions for the self-employed — Money Advice Service 90001
90002 90003 If you’re self-employed, saving into a pension can be a more difficult habit to develop than it is for people in employment. There is no-one to choose a pension scheme for you, no employer contributions and irregular income patterns which can all make saving difficult. But preparing for retirement is crucial for you too, so read on to find out where to start. 90004 90005 90006 What is the State Pension? 90007 90002 If you’re self-employed you’re entitled to the State Pension in the same way as anyone else.90005 90002 From April 2016 there is a new flat-rate State Pension which is based entirely on your National Insurance (NI) record. 90005 90002 For the current tax year (2019-20) the maximum value of the new State Pension is £ 175.20 per week. 90005 90002 However, if you worked for someone else rather than yourself in the past, you might have built up entitlement to additional State Pension under the old system and get more than this. 90005 90002 To find out how much you have built up, get a State Pension statement on the GOV.uk websiteopens in new window. 90005 90002 But on its own, the State Pension is unlikely to provide you with enough income to maintain the standard of living you might like. 90005 90002 So it’s crucial you plan how to provide yourself with the rest of the retirement income you’ll need. 90005 90006 How best to save for retirement 90007 ?
90002 67% of self-employed people are seriously concerned about saving for later life. 90005 90002 Source: IPSE 90005 90002 There are around 4.8 million self-employed people in the UK accounting for 15% of the UK workforce. Yet just 31% of the self-employed are saving into a pension. 90005 90002 One big attraction of being self-employed is you do not have a boss. 90005 90002 But, in terms of pensions, this is a disadvantage. 90005 90002 All employers now have to provide a workplace pension scheme for their eligible employees and pay into it, boosting the amount their employees are saving towards retirement. 90005 90002 If you’re self-employed, you will not have an employer adding money to your pension in this way.90005 90002 But there are still some tax breaks you should not miss out on. For example, you’ll get tax relief on your contributions, up to the lower of your annual earnings or £ 40,000 a year. 90005 90002 This means if you’re a basic-rate taxpayer, for every £ 100 you pay into your pension, the government will add an extra £ 25. 90005 90002 If you pay tax at the higher rate in England, Wales or Northern Ireland of 40% you can claim back a further £ 25 through your tax return for every £ 100 you pay into your pension.90005 90002 In Scotland, you can claim an additional £ 1.58 for every £ 100 paid if you pay tax at the Scottish Intermediate Rate of 21%, and a further £ 26.58 if you pay tax at the Scottish Higher Rate of 41%. 90005 90046 Make the most of your pension pot 90047 90002 The earlier you start saving into a pension, the better. 90005 90002 It gives you more time to contribute to your savings before retirement, more time to benefit from tax relief, and more time for your savings to grow. 90005 90002 Starting early could more than double your pension pot: 90005 90054
90055 * Assuming savings grew at 5% a year and charges were 0.75% a year 90056
90059 You pay 90060
90059 Government pays 90060
90059 Start saving at age 90060
90059 Pension pot at 65 90060
90071 £ 100 90072
90071 £ 25 90 072
90071 30 90 072
90071 £ 70,000 90072
90071 £ 100 90072
90071 £ 25 90 072
90071 40 90 072
90071 £ 46,000 90072
90071 £ 100 90072
90071 £ 25 90 072
90071 50 90 072
90071 £ 25,000 * 90072
90101 90006 Self-employed: what kind of pension should I use? 90007 90002 Most self-employed people use a personal pension for their pension savings.90005 90002 With a personal pension you choose where you want your contributions to be invested from a range of funds offered by the provider. 90005 90002 The provider will claim tax relief at the basic rate of tax on your behalf and add it to your pension savings. 90005 90002 How much you get back depends on how much is paid in, how well your savings perform, and the level of charges you pay. 90005 90002 There are three types of personal pension: 90005 90114
90003 Ordinary personal pensions — 90004 which are offered by most large providers 90118
90003 Stakeholder pensions — 90004 where the maximum charge is capped at 1.5% and you can stop and start premiums without penalty, and 90118
90003 Self-invested personal pensions — 90004 which have a wider range of investment options, but usually higher charges. 90118
90127 90046 NEST pensions 90047 90002 Alternatively, self-employed people can also use NEST (National Employment Savings Trust) which is the workplace pension scheme created by government for automatic enrolment. 90005 90002 It’s run as a trust by the NEST Corporation which means there are no shareholders or owners and it’s run for the benefit of its members.90005 90002 Although NEST is primarily for people who are employed, they also allow some self-employed people to save with them. 90005 90002 You can find out if you’re eligible to save with NEST online. All different schemes have their pros and cons. 90005 90002 If you are not sure which scheme to save with it would be worth consulting a regulated financial adviser who will make a recommendation based on your specific needs and circumstances. 90005 90002 The benefit of taking regulated financial advice is you’re protected if the product you buy turns out to be unsuitable or in the unlikely event the provider goes bust.90005 90002 But mostly the benefit is a financial adviser can search the whole market for you and make a recommendation personal to you. 90005 90006 What is the annual allowance? 90007 90002 You can save as much as you like towards your pension each year, but there’s a limit on the amount that will get tax relief. 90005 90002 The maximum amount of pension savings benefiting from tax relief each year is called the annual allowance. 90005 90002 The annual allowance for 2020-21 is £ 40,000 (or 100% of your earnings for the year if less).If you go over £ 40,000, you will not get tax relief on further pension savings. 90005 90002 You can usually carry forward unused annual allowance from the previous three years. 90005 .