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90000 THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Moscow — 2020 (with Photos) 90001 90002 90003 Post 90004 AlertsTripsSign inMoscowMoscow TourismMoscow HotelsMoscow Bed and BreakfastMoscow Vacation RentalsMoscow Vacation PackagesFlights to MoscowThings to Do in MoscowMoscow ShoppingMoscow Travel ForumMoscow PhotosMoscow MapMoscow Travel GuideHotelsAll Moscow HotelsMoscow Hotel DealsLast Minute Hotels in MoscowBy Hotel TypeBy Hotel ClassBy Hotel BrandPopular AmenitiesPopular NeighborhoodsPopular Moscow CategoriesNear AirportsNear CollegesMoscow MotelsMoscow HostelsMoscow CampgroundsMoscow Business HotelsMoscow Spa ResortsMoscow Family HotelsMoscow Luxury HotelsRomantic Hotels in MoscowMoscow Ski-In / Ski-Out HotelsMoscow Resorts5-stars Hotels in Moscow4-stars Hotels in Moscow3-stars Hotels in MoscowCrowne Plaza Hotels in MoscowHoliday Inns Express in MoscowAccor Hotels in MoscowHilton Hotels in MoscowCourtyard Hotels in MoscowSheraton Hotels in MoscowHoliday Inns in MoscowAZIMUT Hotels in MoscowNovot el Hotels in Moscowibis Hotels in MoscowInterContinental (IHG) Hotels in MoscowHyatt Hotels in MoscowMoscow Hotels with PoolsPet Friendly Hotels in MoscowMoscow Hotels with Free Parking3rd Transport Ring (TTK) HotelsDistrict Central (TsAO) HotelsGarden Ring HotelsTverskoy HotelsBoulevard Ring HotelsTverskaya HotelsRed Square & Kitay-gorod HotelsZamoskvorechye HotelsMeshchanskiy HotelsPresnensky HotelsMoscow Cheap HotelsDesign Hotels in MoscowMoscow Historic HotelsHotels with Nightclubs in MoscowMoscow Downtown HotelsMoscow Safe HotelsHotels with Complimentary Breakfast in MoscowSpa Hotels in MoscowMoscow Hotels with Smoking RoomsUnique Hotels in MoscowHotels near (SVO) Sheremetyevo AirportHotels near (DME) Domodedovo AirportHotels near (VKO) Vnukovo AirportHotels near Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky ConservatoryHotels near Institute for the Economy in TransitionHotels near Russian Academy of Theatre ArtsHotels near Maxim Gorky Literature InstituteHotels near Turo Moskovskiy Universitet, NOUHotels near Gnesins Russian Academy of MusicHotels near Russian Academy of ArtsHotels near Moscow State Institute of Steel and AlloysHotels near Moscow International Higher Business School (MIRBIS) Hotels near Russian State University for the HumanitiesThings to DoAll things to do in MoscowThings To Do This Weekend in MoscowCommonly Searched For in MoscowPopular Moscow CategoriesPopular NeighborhoodsAdmission TicketsNear LandmarksNear AirportsNear HotelsGood for a Rainy DayFree EntryBudget-friendlyGood for KidsGood for Big GroupsGood for CouplesGood for Adrenaline SeekersHoneymoon spotHidden GemsAdventurousSights & Landmarks in MoscowFun & Games in MoscowMuseums in MoscowTours & Activities in MoscowShopping in MoscowNightlife in MoscowSpas & Wellness in MoscowTheater & Concerts in MoscowOutdoor Activities in MoscowClasses & Workshops in MoscowNature & Parks in MoscowTransportation in MoscowFood & Drink in MoscowBoat Tours & Water Sports in MoscowTraveller Resources in MoscowThings to Do in 3rd Transport Ring (TTK) Things to Do in District Central (TsAO) Things to Do in Garden RingThings to Do in Boulevard RingThings to Do in TverskoyThings to Do in District Southern (YuAO) Things to Do in District North-Eastern (SVAO) Things to Do in PresnenskyThings to Do in BasmannyThings to Do in District Eastern (VAO) Things to Do in District Northern (SAO) Things to Do in District Western (ZAO) Things to Do in KhamovnikiThings to Do in District South-Western (YuZAO) Things to Do in ArbatSaint Basil’s CathedralState Tretyakov GalleryMoscow MetroMoscow Kremlin .90000 Where to go in Moscow? 90001 90002 The capital of Russia is famous for interesting sights. There are plenty of opportunities for entertainment and relaxation. Where to go in Moscow can be found in detail on the website http://topkin.ru/voprosy/kuda-shodit-v-moskve/ . 90003 90002 90003 90006 Cultural activities 90007 90008 Popular exhibition centers of Moscow 90009 90010 90011 Expocenter — a platform for forums and fairs in various fields: building materials, electronics, furniture, arts and crafts, medicine, cosmetics.Located near the metro station «Exhibition» on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, house 14. 90012 90011 Crocus — located at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road (66 km) and Volokamskoye Shosse near the Myakino metro station. It hosts exhibitions and workshops. Hot topics: furs, first aid, equipment and materials for professional cleaning, pharmaceuticals (raw materials and technologies). 90012 90011 VVC — a complex of the all-Russian scale on Mira Avenue, 119. VDNH station. Here you can visit the family-friendly project «City Farm», an exhibition of crafts, an ice rink, and become a participant in master classes in floriculture and design.90012 90011 Central House of Artists. Located on Krymsky Val, d. 10. Park Kultury metro station. It hosts exhibitions of antiques and art painting, conducts concerts of domestic and foreign stars of show business. 90012 90019 90002 90003 90006 Where to go to eat in Moscow? 90007 90002 The capital has a lot of restaurants, bars and cafes. Among them, the most unusual: 90003 90010 90011 Bike Center (night club) on the street Nizhny Mnevniki, 110. Metro station: «October Field».90012 90011 Coffee shop «Coffeemania» on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 13/6. There are excellent drinks, there is a children’s menu, on weekends animators and clowns work. The nearest metro station is «Alexander Garden». 90012 90011 Honest is a gourmet establishment. Located in Stoleshnikov Lane, d. 10/3. Near the metro station «Pushkinskaya». Here visitors can enjoy the Italian and author cuisine of a talented chef. 90012 90019 90006 sights 90007 90010 90011 The Kremlin is one of the most significant architectural objects of the capital.Located in the center of Moscow. It is a magnificent complex of structures — ancient temples, towers, temples, powerful walls. Address of the institution: Red Square, 1. Metro stop: Okhotny Ryad. 90012 90011 The Armory is a world-famous museum. Thousands of exhibits of applied art of the East, Russia and Europe are stored here. Located on Red Square, building 1. Station: Okhotny Ryad. 90012 90011 Novodevichy Convent is a beautiful architectural complex of the Museum of History. The temples hold services.Located near the metro station «Luzhniki» on Novodevichy proezd, d. 1. 90012 90011 Peter’s Palace — a resting place of Catherine II. A pearl and an example of neo-Gothic Russian architecture. It is located on Leningradsky Prospekt 40. Nearby is the Dynamo metro station. 90012 90019 90002 90003 90006 Where to relax in Moscow? 90007 90002 Athletes and fans of a healthy lifestyle can go to the Samokat fitness club, located near the Kurskaya metro station on Samokatnaya street 2, p.1. Here visitors will find a gym, bar and restaurant, pool. Fans of extreme sports can go to the «Haunted Mansion» at the Prospekt Mira metro station. Here visitors can participate in a fascinating quest with a paranormal setting. The game complex is located on Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya Street in Building 10. Those who are looking for a place to go cheap in Moscow can go on a tour of Moscow at night from the site of the 56th floor of the Moscow City Center. The place is located on Presnenskaya embankment near the metro station «Exhibition».90003 90052 90053]]>.90000 Best places for a day trip from Moscow 90001 90002 Moscow offers tourists a lot of great sights to see, but if you ask locals they will tell you that Moscow is not all there is to Russia, so it’s worth getting away sometimes. Without exploring further you miss something of the Russian unique character. If you are wondering what to visit near Moscow, we recommend you 10 places where a tourist can go for a refreshing recreation, new impressions and acquaintance with Russian history and culture.90003 90002 90003 90006 1. Sergiyev Posad 90007 90002 Sergiyev Posad is one of the most beautiful towns located around Moscow. It’s not only famous for its monastery, the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, but also for a fact that it’s the only town in Moscow Region which is included in the Golden Ring of Russian cities. Its cities and towns influenced the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church. But the main thing which one should visit Sergiyev Posad is the Lavra for sure. You may spend there all day, walking around and enjoying the sense of its power and strength.You absolutely have to buy some honey-cakes as souvenirs for friends, and feed Lavra’s pigeons when entering the monastery. Besides you may visit Sergiyev Posad State History and Art Museum-Reserve which has quite an impressive collection, take a look at the displays in the National Museum of Toys, and taste truly Russian food in local cafes and restaurants. 90003 90002 You can reach Sergiyev Posad by suburban electric train, by bus or by car. Electric train departs from Yaroslavsky rain terminal every thirty minutes, and the trip lasts for hour and a half.You may take a bus near the ‘VDNKh’ metro station, and you’ll be in Sergiyev Posad in an hour and a half at least, and in two hours at most. Your car will take you there in an hour and a half at most, too. You should drive Yaroslavskoye highway. 90003 90002 90013 90003 90006 2. Kolomna 90007 90002 If you want to take a look at a city which combines in itself hi-tech and historical past you should absolutely visit Kolomna. It is one of the most famous ancient cities in Russia, a beautiful port on the Oka River.Kolomna has its own Kremlin, which is made of red brick, like the Moscow Kremlin, as well. Inside it you may find a lot of monasteries and churches, including the one in which Dmitry of the Don, Prince of Moscow and Grand Prince of Vladimir, had his wedding to the Grand Duchess of Muscovy Eudoxia of Moscow. There is still a reserved residential area which is called Posad, right in the Kremlin territory. The buildings date back to merchants ‘times. There are some interesting churches, too. In 2006, the Kolomna Speed Skating Center, known as the Kometa Ice Rink, was opened.Its futuristic look contrast the picturesque views of the ancient Kolomna Kremlin and its beautiful churches. 90003 90002 The best way to reach Kolomna is electric train which departs from Kazansky rail terminal. The trip lasts for two and a half, or one hour and forty minutes by the Ryazansky express. You can also choose bus from the Vykhino metro station (1.4 to 4 hrs due to traffic jams), or car. 90003 90002 90022 90003 90006 3. Shakhmatovo 90007 90002 Shakhmatovo was a manor of the well-known Russian lyrical poet Alexander Blok.It was bought by his grandfather Andrey Nikolaevich Beketov, and young Blok used to spend there every summer. Later, he moved there with his wife Lyubov Mendeleeva who was a daughter of the famous chemist Dmitri Mendeleev. Blok’s grandfather decided to buy Shakhmatovo because of its picturesque views. They are really very nice, and the better time to visit this place is spring, and summer. The Blok’s mansion is a wooden house which was built by the poet according to his own project, but burnt by peasants in тисяча дев’ятсот двадцять одна.It was rebuilt in 2001, and since that time it often holds big events, and excursions. There is also a stable in Shakhmatovo territory, and everyone interested may ride a horse, or rent bicycle in the summertime, or ski in wintertime. 90003 90002 Shakhmatovo can be reached by car, because other options combine train which depart from the Leningradsky rail terminal, and then change to bus till the Tarakanovo manor, then go by foot, or bus from the Vodny stadion metro station, and then also by foot .Travel time is 1.4 hrs. 90003 90006 4. Zakharovo 90007 90002 It is a manor located in the Odintsovo District of the Moscow Region, where everybody interested may learn more about the greatest Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In 1804 Zakharovo was bought by his grandmother Mariya Alexeevna Gannibal, and young Pushkin was brought here every summer from 1805 through to 1810. He recalled Zakharovo in his poems as well. Now, the house which Pushkin visited as a child does not exist anymore, but it was rebuilt in the beginning of the 20th century on the former basis.Now it is a quiet and nice place with the museum dedicated to the famous poet childhood, where one may spend a day enjoying the spirit of the time when young Pushkin ran across manor’s paths. From that time linden park, approach alleys, and pond were saved. Not very far away from Zakharovo another place connected to Pushkin’s name is located. It’s called Bolshiye Vyazyomy, and there the young Pushkin’s brother Nikolenka was buried after his death in the age of six. 90003 90002 The best way to go there is by train which departs from the Belorussky rail terminal and goes to Zvenigorod.You should leave at the Zakharovo station. Travel time is an hour and a half. 90003 90002 90037 90003 90006 5. Borodino 90007 90002 Borodino is truly a sacred place for all those who honor the great Russian past. The Borodino Battlefield held the most important fighting during the Patriotic War of 1812. This place was made a museum area in 1839 just after 27 years after the battle. Now, more than two thousand memorable things are stored in the museum, including some monuments of military honor, architectural objects dated back to 19th and 20th century, and fortification facilities.Besides, there is also an exhibition dedicated to the famous novel ‘War and Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy, who visited Borodino in person, and described this battle in his book. Every year reconstruction events take place in Borodino, and this period is considered to be the best for visiting. But if you just want to feel the spirit of the battle past, it’s better to visit it in more quiet time. 90003 90002 To go there, you should take a train from the Belorussky rail terminal, leave in Mozhaysk, and then change to the bus.The whole travel time is about 2 hrs. 90003 90006 6. Melikhovo 90007 90002 Melikhovo is considered to be one of the most important museums dedicated Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, one of the brightest Russian writers and playwrights. Chekhov had been living in Melikhovo from March 1892 until August 1899 with his parents and close relatives. Melikhovo is where he wrote his plays «Uncle Vanya» and «The Seagull». He sold this manor before going to the Crimea, and it became vague after the revolution.But in тисяча дев’ятсот тридцять дев’ять it was decided to establish a museum based on Chekhov’s place of living. Anton Chekhov’s sister Maria and his nephew initiated the process, and the museum opened its doors in 1941. Now Melikhovo shows the path of Chekhov not only as a writer, but as a doctor and public figure as well. There some paintings of famous artists such as Isaac Levitan and Vasily Polenov, who were Chekhov’s friends, are being stored. It’s a nice place to visit for learning more about Chekov’s life and work. 90003 90002 The best way to reach Melikhovo is by bus which departs from the Yuzhnaya metro station, and goes to Protvino, Obolensk, or Serpukhov, or by the direct 365 bus.Also, you may choose electric train from the Kursky rail terminal. Travel time is 1,5 hrs. 90003 90002 90052 90003 90006 7. Abramtsevo 90007 90002 This is another manor connected to lives of important Russian people — not only writers, but artists as well. Abramtsevo, located close to Sergiev Posad, was a property of Sergey Aksakov, a writer and a Slavophiles, and later of Savva Mamontov, a well-known patron of the arts. Abramtsevo used to be visited by writers Ivan Turgenev and Nikolay Gogol, poet Fyodor Tyutchev, and such artists as Isaac Levitan, Vasily Polenov, and Mikhail Vrubel, and by the great Russian singer Fyodor Shalyapin as well.The exhibition in the museum are dedicated to famous Abramtsevo owners and guests. It was made a museum in 1917 року, and its first curator was Alexandra Mamontova, Savva Mamontov’s daughter. The main sightseeing view is a wooden building made in the 18th century and saved in the form Savva Mamontov gave him in 19th century. There are also some bright buildings such as hut pavilion, or hut bath-house. You just have to remember that on a weekend main manor house may be visited only with an excursion group.90003 90002 Electric train to Abramtsevo departs from the Yaroslavsky rail terminal, and goes to Sergiyev Posad, or Aleksandrov. You may reach Abramtsevo by bus as well. Travel time is an hour and a half. 90003 90002 90061 90003 90006 8. Yasnaya Polyana 90007 90002 Yasnaya Polyana is known as a place of residence of the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. He was born there, wrote his novels ‘War and Peace’ and ‘Anna Karenina’, died and is buried. He’d been living in this manor for fifty years.Yasnaya Polyana is located in the Tula Region, 200 km from Moscow to the south. This manor consists of many interesting and significant objects. For example, the interior of the main house where Tolstoy lived, is being kept like it was in 1910 — it was a last year for the writer. All things in the house are considered to be personal belongings of Tolstoy and his family. Beside the main house, the Yasnaya Polyana ensemble includes the so-called Volkonsky house — the house of Tolstoy’s grandfather, the Kuzminskiye wing, which is a part of the oldest house where Tolstoy was born, now non-existent, the birch alley made by Sofya Andreevna, Leo Tolstoy’s wife, stable, ponds, and favorite Tolstoy’s bench.Leo Tolstoy’s tomb is located close to the edge of the ravine — it’s where he wanted to be buried. 90003 90002 The whole travel time to Yasnaya Polyana is about 4 hrs as long as it’s located near Tula. It can be reached by train, or by car. First, you should go to Tula by train from the Kursky rail terminal, or by bus from the Tsaritsyno, Domodedovskaya, Prazhskaya, or Ulitsa Akademika Yangelya metro stations, and then change to bus, or by trolley bus for Yasnaya Polyana. 90003 90002 90070 90003 90006 9.Polotnyany Zavod 90007 90002 This place which title can be translated into Russian as ‘linen factory’ is known for its connection to the Goncharov family, from which Natalia Goncharova, Alexander Pushkin’s wife, originated. The real linen factory was built there, on the bank of the Sukhodrev River in the Kaluga Region, in 1718 by Peter the Great order. Goncharov, Natalia’s great grandfather, was one of the companions who participated in the factory’s development. Every companion built his own manor close to factory’s building, and even for those time it was quite an uncommon situation.Polotnyany Zavod was visited by the empress Catherine the Great, the Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov, and the writer Nikolay Vasilievich Gogol. In 1999 року, when everybody celebrated bicentennial of Alexander Pushkin, Polotnyany Zavod was made a museum, and now it welcomes many guests who come to see dramatized excursions, and to learn more about Pushkin times. The poet himself visited this place two times, in 1830 and in 1834. Polotnyany Zavod has the most picturesque panoramic view in the Kaluga Region.90003 90002 To go to Polotnyany Zavod, you should take a bus from the bus station near the Tyoply Stan metro station, and go to Kondorovo. It takes a little more than three hours. 90003 90002 90003 90006 10. Tarusa 90007 90002 Tarus is just another little town in Kaluga Region which is considered to be typical Russian. It’s located on the left bank of the Oka River, and has really magnificent views. It feels like time stands still there. Tarusa managed to preserve the best from the past, and even now it consists mostly of one-storeyed houses made of wood or stone.They say it’s because Tarusa residents declined railroad construction. This town became popular among Russian intellectuals in the beginning of the 20th century, when famous artist Vasily Polenov discovered it, and told about Tarusa to anyone in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Tarusa is known to be a hometown for Russian writer Marina Tsvetaeva, whose family spent summertime there. Tsvetaeva museum is a museum every guest of Tarusa should visit for sure. Besides, Konstantin Paustovsky, another famous Russian writer, lived there till his death, and was buried in Tarusa as well.The absolutely must-do in Tarusa is to walk along the embankment of the Oka River. 90003 90002 The best way to reach Tarusa is by direct bus which departs from the bus station near the ‘Tyoply Stan’ metro station. Travel time is about two hours. 90003 90002 90087 90003 .90000 Where to party in Moscow any day of the week • Moscownightguide 90001 90002 One of the 90003 biggest problems 90004 you’ll have to struggle with in Moscow is finding good clubs to go to 90003 during the week 90004. For a city that big, it is not that easy to find the right places to party outside of the usual days. 90007 90002 More … 90007 90002 That is why I put together this guide for you. You will learn only one thing but it’s so valuable, you will want to bookmark this guide. Always have it handy because you’ll never know when you might need it.90007 90002 90003 You will learn where to party in Moscow on any day of the week. 90004 90007 90016 I broke down every day from Monday to Sunday according to the. If you are looking for answers regarding Moscow nightlife on any day of the week — this guide has them all. 90007 The Ultimate Monday to Sunday Moscow Nightclub Guide 90002 90019 90003 Where to go out in Moscow on a Monday 90004 90022 90007 90024 Monday is the 90003 worst night 90004 for party and clubbing in Moscow because the city is completely dead.Everyone has had their share of going out in the weekend and is back to the daily grind. So keep in mind that all of the following options will not be packed with people. 90007 90002 Your best bet is Propaganda, which is open every day of the week and always attracts a few tourists, locals or students that want to party. A proper, small European-style electro club for those who fancy such a thing. 90007 90002 An alternative would be to try one of the rough & real bars: Crazy Daisy or Shishas Sferum Bar.You can also hit up Papa’s, which on Mondays has drinks offers and is an expat sanctuary with a dancefloor. You can also try roaming around the Kitay gorod metro station and dipping in and out of one of the many bars located around there. 90007 90002 If that’s all too basic for you and you prefer higher-end venues then you will have to make it a quiet night in one of the high-end bars: Kalina Bar, Mercedes Bar or Sixty for those that like a nice view of Moscow. You can also hit up one of the strip clubs, if you’re looking for something sexier.90007 90002 Not a lot of people poppin ‘bottles in Moscow on Mondays 90007 90002 90037 90003 Where to 90003 go out 90004 in Moscow on a Tuesday 90004 90022 90007 90002 Tuesday is only ever so slightly better than Monday. As there’s no such thing as a day where people that work in the service industry go out, both Monday and Tuesday are off nights. 90007 90002 Again Propaganda leads the pack with their «Propaganda got soul» program till 6 in the morning. There’s usually a bigger crowd on Tuesdays, so if you’re looking for party this wil be again your best shot.Garage has a similar option with «Techno Tuesdays». 90007 90002 As far as alternatives go, it is a repeat from the Monday options. Crazy Daisy, Shishas Sferum Bar or «flip a coin to get a free drink» offer in Papa’s. High-end bars like the ones on Monday will be for relaxing only. Strip clubs for those that want adult entertainment. 90007 90002 90051 90003 Where to 90003 go out 90004 in Moscow on a Wednesday 90004 90022 90007 90002 We are halfway there to the next weekend and nightlife options are slowly picking up.Wednesday offers a few more options, as well as variety for going out. Crowds are still nowhere near as big as on weekends but you can find a party, if you know where to look. 90007 90002 That said Propaganda is yet again an option for fans of electronic music (see the pattern?). Their cheap prices and long-established reputation always manage to attract a decent amount of people, so Monday through Wednesday this joint should be one of the first that you hit up for party. 90007 90002 Garage switches gears on Wednesdays with its RnB night.It’s the only club in the Black Music niche, which is fairly unpopular in Moscow. The crowd that does turn out is all the more energetic. Garage is mostly an after-hours spot, so come here after 1-2am. 90007 90002 There is more however. Chesterfield offers free drinks for ladies on Wednesdays. The crowd is on the younger end and mostly students. It is not a real nightclub but more of an oversized bar with a dancefloor. 90007 90002 As for the other days, you can still try your luck in one of the lower or higher-end bars.90007 90002 Girls wanna party on Wednesdays too … 90007 90002 90071 90003 Where to 90003 go out 90004 in Moscow on a Thursday 90004 90022 90007 90002 From Thursday onwards, nightlife is slowly picking up steam. With the weekend coming closer, there’s more nightlife options to choose from. 90007 90002 Let’s start at the higher-end places. Oblaka is the place to be on Thursday. Particularly recommended in summer when the terrace is open. The early sunrise makes for a beautiful view over the city.90007 90002 Another option is Duran Bar, which has ladies ‘night on Thursday. You better enquire at the entrance though as to how it works exactly because it is not just as easy as walking in and starting drinking for free. Also a much smaller crowd there on Thursdays with most of the high-end clientele going to Oblaka. 90007 90002 Bessonitsa is another option which will have a smallish crowd on Thursdays. 90007 90002 Papa’s Bar offers ladies night as well on Thursdays for those who like it a bit more down to earth.90007 90002 All other places mentioned so far work as well. Gipsy is sometimes opened in summer for concerts on Thursdays. 90007 90002 Sometimes a club has something going on on Thursday, check the sites and social media though. 90007 90002 90093 90003 Where to 90003 go out 90004 in Moscow on a Friday 90004 90022 90007 90002 Friday is the second-best day for nightlife in Moscow. No matter your taste, you will have plenty of venues and party to choose from. 90007 90002 If you like glitzy 90003 high-end clubs 90004 with model girls and rich oligarchs, you should hit up Siberia, nowadays Moscow’s most exclusive venue.Other options are Duran Bar and Artel Bessonitsa for those who prefer house music. Oblaka is open on Fridays as well. If by the morning you still have not had enough, Kvartira is an after-hours option. The door is extremely hard though and you will likely have to have an «in» to party there. 90007 90002 Icon, with a more relaxed door and younger people, is somewhere in between the high-end and 90003 party 90004 segment of Moscow’s club scene. For the latter, Gipsy and Rolling Stone Bar always manage to draw a sufficient (but young) crowd.Jagger Bar is another extremely popular option that has a more mixed age range. So is the always crowded Klava Bar that is a better choice for pre-party. The most popular «mainstream» after-hours option at the moment is Miks. 90007 90002 Strelka has a much hipper crowd and is another excellent pre-party option that goes well past 3am as well. Proper 90003 underground 90004 options are Propaganda (more mainstream), Suzuran (relaxed pre-party), Imagine Cafe, Dissident and Squat 3/4. For after-hours hit up Gazgolder, which is by far the busiest and strongest venue that goes well past 10am.Purpur Afterparty is a «rougher» version of Miks club and an option for those that like it a bit more experimental. 90007 90002 Any kind of 90003 rough & real place 90004 90003 90004 will have people as well, so fee l free to try your luck in Coyote Ugly, Kamchatka, 1929 Bar, Crazy Daisy or any other of the multitude of bars that are around. 90007 90002 She’s definitely going out on the weekend 90007 90002 90123 90003 Where to 90003 go out 90004 in Moscow on a Saturday 90004 90022 90007 90002 Saturday is easily the busiest night in Moscow and an absolute must in terms of clubbing.Pretty much all venues that are good on Friday will be good on Saturday too, unless there was a special event or concert the day before, in which case there will be 90131 slightly 90132 less people. 90007 90002 Pre-party in the 90003 high-end segment 90004 is a bit hit and miss, so there are no strong recommendations. You can try Luch Bar, Kalina Bar, Buddha Bar or Latinos. Your best bet is probably Valenok that is a rather cheap option for stylish pre-parties. All Friday options are still good, so choose between Siberia, Duran and Oblaka.If you really like karaoke, Royal Arbat is a high-end karaoke venue that requires table reservations. Distinctly high-end after-hours venues are Kvartira (tough door) and Akt. Bessonitsa usually works well past 7am as well, at least in the summer months. 90007 90002 In the 90003 party segment 90004 go to Noor Bar for a busy pre-party place. Then hit up Gipsy, Rolling Stone (both for people under 25), Jagger (mixed crowd & lots of alcohol), Klava (slightly older & very busy) or Motel (stylish but a mixed bag).Icon is an ever reliable mega club option. For after-hours go to Miks, Garage or Gazgolder. 90007 90002 Strelka is the best pre-party spot that bridges the party and the 90003 underground 90004 90003 90004 segment. For distinctly underground places go to Suzuran (pre-party), Propaganda (well-known & cheap), Imagine Cafe (alternative), Dissident and Squat 3/4 (proper underground). End the night and start the morning at Gazgolder. 90007 90002 The 90003 rough & real bars 90004 will deliver as usual and you can even go to something like Todase (read: Todasjo), which is actually more like a food chain but does parties on the weekends.An excellent option for those that do not want a real dive bar but still something cheaper is Rock n Roll Bar, which is a crossover between a party bar and a cheaper, rockier place. 90007 90002 90153 90003 Where to 90003 go out 90004 in Moscow on a Sunday 90004 90022 90007 90002 Sunday is understandably slow and Muscovites relax after two days of hard partying. Your best bet is Garage, which has its RnB night on Sundays and manages to turn a decent crowd from about 2am onwards. Propaganda is another option but be aware that it’s 90003 GAY NIGHT 90004 on Sundays.Gipsy occasionally has parties on Sundays that start in the afternoon and last until 2am in the morning but double-check with event calendars. Any other place is going to be hit-and-miss, so insatiable party animals are restricted to trying the Monday options: Papa’s, Crazy Daisy, Shishas Sferum Bar or one of the bars in the Kitay gorod area. 90007 90002 If you’re sick and tired of leaving the clubs without one of the many sexy ladies then you should sign up below to my weekly tips on how to do just that.90007.